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Timeskip: It's been a little over a month since the car accident happened- (I just don't know what to write in between then and now xD)


|~|POV of Sapnap/Nick|~|

I opened the car door for Y/n, watching her step forward into my truck. She plopped down onto the seat, shooting me a grateful smile before staring out the windshield. I slammed the door, walking around the front of my truck to the driver's side and entered the car as well.

Closing the door beside me, I put my key in the fob and the cars engine rumbled to life. I glanced to my right, noticing Y/n's hands clenched, looking down at her lap. As I started to roll, slowly, I reached over and put my hand on her arm, getting her to look at me.

"I know this is the first time you've been in a car since the accident." I say plainly, knowing there was no point in trying to tiptoe around the truth. She winced, nodding slowly and looked down again- not fast enough before I could catch the glimmer of tears on the brink of her eyes.

"I promise I'll take care of you."

She looks up again, smiling and leaned back in her seat, obviously trying to put on a brave face. I let go of her arm, putting my hand on the wheel again and turning out of the hospital parking lot, taking Y/n home with us- where she belonged.

The majority of the ride was quiet. I turned on the radio halfway through, sick of the quiet. I couldn't help but think that Y/n was never this quiet, even when she had a broken ankle. She always tried to make the best of things, but it looked like this was changing her.

Near the end of the ride, she spoke for the first time. "Nick..." I glanced at her and she freaked out at me, reprimanding me to keep my eyes on the road. I would've rolled my eyes- but that was before. Now, I knew she was right.

"I-..... nevermind." She said quietly, looking out the window and avoiding my glances I kept throwing her. I stopped, leaving her be but my mind racked itself, wondering what she could've wanted to say to me.


|~|POV of Y/n|~|

I opened my own door this time, stepping out of the car and walking over to the front door of our house. I looked up at it, staring at a few of the second floor windows- my friends were in there, my family.

The family you hurt.

I frowned, holding onto the handle of the door. What if they weren't happy to see me? What if they all hated me, and blamed me for what happened?

They should- you were the one that wasn't looking at the road. You're the reason that Mega is half-deaf- the reason Darryl might never wake up- the reason that those two people behind us were dead.

I swung open the door before I could think any more and end up running away from the only place I would probably be safe. I step inside, slipping off the shoes I had on. I was pretty lucky- my legs had taken no damage, and the doctors said that if they had, I might've permanently ruined them, because my bones were still weak from my last accident.

I'd suffered with a major concussion, and I lost a lot of blood. I spent most of my hospital time recovering the blood I'd lost, being weak and unable to live by myself.

Darryl has it worse- he might never wake up.

I grimaced, walking into the kitchen and looking around. The front foor slid shut, probably being closed by Nick. I reached up, grabbing for a glass. I heard Nick come into the kitchen behind me, making a quiet laughing sound.

"Want help?" He asked, pushing me aside gently to grab a glass for me. I let my arms fall to my sides, the light, thin fabric wrapped around my arms brushing against my sides. I had bandages on my arms now- not to stop bleeding, to hide the hundreds of tiny little scars the glass had inflicted. I winced at the thought, remembering the feeling of a thousand little needles stabbing me.

Nick handed me a glass, walking away to the living room. I filled it up, spacing out as I watched the water slowly rise to the brim of the glass.

Where is Mega- My fault- Darryl isn't home with us- Should be in a mental hospital- Does Mega hate me- So hungry- Don't deserve to eat- Your the reason they're dead-

I was shake out of my thoughts by someone shaking my shoulders gently. I snap back to the real world, like a stretched-out rubberband that was let go. I flip the sink faucet off, tipping my glass slightly to pour out the extra water. I place the glass on the counter next to the sink, realizing my hand was wet- the water had poured over onto me.

I turn around to face whoever was shaking me, seeing a very tall, blonde-haired boy smiling at me. "Y/n!" Clay garbs me in a hug and I freeze for a second before hugging back. It's been a while since I've really properly talked to anyone, let alone hugging someone.

Clay let go, taking a step back and surveyed me. "How are you feeling?" I shrug, half-smiling at him. "I'm okay." I say honestly. I seem okay, although I'm not really- but okay sounds more real than 'fine'. Clay accepts that, giving me one last smile before going to Nick, who's still in the living room.

I grab my glass again, downing the whole thing of water and snatch a granola bar. I walk out of the kitchen, past the living room and startling the two boys in the proccess. I take the stairs, two at a time and turn right, recovering myself only inches before slamming into Zak. Zak catches himself as well, taking a step back and looking at me.

I half expected him to smile at me, maybe say hello. But he just stared at me for a second, before walking past me and down the stairs. I listened to his footsteps echo down the stairs, the last five second replaying in my head.

He'd mad at you, because you basically killed his best friend. They're mad at you, because you almost killed all of them. You don't deserve a warm welcome- don't deserve happiness. 

You're a monster.

I basically run to my room, passing Harvey's door, Finn's door. I stop at mine, looking over at Spifey's room. I wonder whether it's worth it to knock, but a sharp voice echoes in my mind.

No-one likes you. No-one needs you.

I slamming the door behind me, a waterfall of tears starting to pour from my eyes. I feel sobs blocking up my throat and I hiccup, sliding down to the floor and trying to breath. I scooched back against the door, blocking it so no one could come in and see how pathetic I really was.


//1164 Words\\ <3

Well, that was depressing. I hope you have a good rest of your day! (idk what to say rn, except I just wrote this instead of doing a stupid online math quiz! #schoolsux)


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