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[Y/m] = Your Merch :)

Warning: Like one curse-word xD

I rolled over, groaning quietly, releasing my casted arm from underneath myself. I must've rolled onto it in the middle of the night, because it was aching abnormally. Great, maybe I just ruined the last weeks 'healing-time' in the hospital by sleeping in my own, home-y, 10 times more comfortable bed.

I muttered to myself before sitting up, and groggily searching for the full-body mirror standing in the corner next to my closet. When I'd found it, I staring back at me was a greasy-haired, frizzy, half-dead looking girl, which I regretfully knew was me.

I threw my legs over the side of the bed, both my heels hitting the ground- and of, what a surprise, I also forgot I had a broken ankle. I hissed in pain and my leg instinctively pulled up off the ground, as if that would help anything. I pulled my injured-ankled leg to my chest, and hugged it tightly, burying my head in my knee.

I sniffled, and knew I was crying. I also knew, that I was crying of pain- I was crying because Spifey, or George hadn't come down to see me.

I'm not mad at him- not at all! I cried to myself internally. Why didn't he come down?

I'd tried to think it was because he was sleeping, but my room was across from his- I'd heard him moving around- even talking to himself last night. I just wanted to figure things out- to clear things up!

Spife's basically my best friend... what if he hates himself because of me!?

I needed to do something- but not right now, at this unearthly hour on a Saturday morning. Most of us- if not all of us, would be asleep right now- it was a weekend, and people were taking their chance to sleep in- as late as possible.

I got up off my bed, putting my foot down slowly this time, and hobbled across the room to my closet, where I grabbed a set of clothes for the day, and a towel. I was about to slide the door closed, but I hesitated, then grabbed a [F/c], cozy [Y/m] hoodie.

I hobbled to the door, fiddling with the handle to open it, and finally managed to pull it open. I turned left, instead of the normal right, to head for the washroom.

Once inside, I swung the door shut, triple checking it was locked, and the placed my cloths on the counter. I adjust my waterproof cast, before slipping my clothes off and turning on the steamy, hot water- well soon to be steamy hot. I jumped out of the way as the cold water burst through at first, checking the temperature every few seconds. Once it was the ideal heat, I hopped through the sliding glass door excitedly.

It had been almost a week since I last shower, so feeling the warm, comforting water cleanse me of germs, of bad memories, of the hospital, felt nicer than ever before- I think I've gained a new appreciation for showering.

After a lengthly time, I turned the handle of the shower, and the water stopped spraying. I shook my head slightly, and wrung out my hair, before hoping out of the glass chamber and onto the fluff bathroom mat.


I slipped on my sling after smoothing down my [F/c] hoodie, and then creaked open the door as quietly as possible. There was still little sound, except small clanking and murmuring coming from downstairs- I assumed the kitchen.

I hobbled past my door, remembering that I should be using my crutches- which I'd left leaned up against the wall next to my bedroom door.

Eh, I'll be fine. I assured myself, continuing down the hallway. I made it to the stairs, and lowered my good foot onto the first step- all good. Lowering my second foot, the future hit me the second before I put my foot down on the stair- oops, too late.

My foot flinched up at the sudden, strong pressure and weight, throwing me off-balance. I spun to the right, and my other foot gave way, and stumbled down the stairs. I hit the bottom with a loud thud, gasping in air. I moved around my good wrist and ankle- miraculously, the were okay.

"Holy shit, are you okay Y/n!?" A familiar voice asked me. My head shot up and I stared straight into Spifey's eyes. He was crouched down, his hands on my shoulders, steadying me. My heart leapt and I smiled, then leaned forward and hugged him.

"George, I fricken missed you!" I whispered, using his name. I didn't do that a lot, for the convenience of less confusion- but it was almost special to me, using his real name. He hadn't moved, which worried me, and I immediately let go.

"Sorry, it's just been a while-" I grinned sheepishly, and he interrupted me.

"Nahh- it wasn't that bad..." He trailed off, surveying me. "Anything hurt?"

I made a dismissive noise, putting my hand on George's shoulder. I gradually stood up, wobbling ever so slightly, and he went up with me- greatly surpassing me though.

"Hey love-birds, I'm here too you know-" A distinctive British accent called from the kitchen island, and I peeked past George's arm to see Vurb, grinning with his spoon-full-of-cereal hovering mid-air. I rolled my eyes and trudged past George, glancing up at his face to see it bright red. I grabbed his arm, dragging him with me.

I made it to the kitchen island, with Spifey as a wobble-guard, and plopped down in one of the barstools, grateful for a break. Spifey half-spun, and took a seat next to me. He was looking down, his face in his hands, but I could still see splashes of red on his cheeks.

Vurb smirked at Spifey, then looked to me. "Need anything?"

"Yeah, if you'd do me a favour."


"Grab me some cereal- I don't care which kind." I grinned, giving him my best puppy-eyes. He rolled his in response, before whining, "Didn't you just walk all the way here from upstairs?"

"Correction- I fell half of the way."

"Yeah, fell right for George here." Vurb mocked, and I glanced to see Spifey's fading face turn red again. I giggled, and just demand, "Give me the cereal."

Vurb put his hands up in a surrendering gesture, and the raided the snack cupboard for the cereal- he pulled out some Frosted Flakes- original, and perfect for eating without milk. He set the box down, and I snatched it away, cracking the top open and happily grabbing a handful out of the box.

"Not even a thank you?" Vurb laughed, and I just grinned, chewing my Frosted Flakes happily.

A few minutes later, Zak came down the stairs, groggy and very tired-looking. He walked past the island, not even paying attention, and went straight for the snack cupboard. He looked around, pushing a few boxes before turning around to glare at us.

"Where are my Frosted Flakes?" He threatened, as I lifted another handful to my mouth.

"My Frosted Flakes!" He shrieked and I giggled, getting up from my chair and starting to hobble away with the box. I heard the cupboard door slammed and the sound of Zak's desperate footsteps behind me, and I shrieked as well.

Here's to the start of another normal morning.


//1199 Words\\ (CoughCough, lets pretend its 1200...) <3

So, hello, yay, I've finally posted again. Wait, it hasn't even been that long- wAt?

okay.... yeah idk what to do with my life anymore- I was bored so I wrote this and its probably crap- (I mean cArP)...........

okie bye <3


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