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Warning: Some Cursing

|~|POV of Nick/Sapnap|~|

I'd watched Y/n run-off towards the rocky beach. I remember thinking I should follow her- but she went by herself. I'm sure she just wants to be alone...right? I was chatting with George and Clay when I'd caught sight of her tiny shape taking off. Now I was wondering if I'd ever see it the same again.

"C'mon Spifey!" Jacob urged, the tall boy along, myself and Finn in tow. I was pushing past them, already running along faster.

"Jacob!" I yelled back at him. "Let's go, they just aren't moving fast enough!" I looked ahead, trying to catch a glimpse of Mega somewhere up ahead- but there was just endless hills of rocks. I heard Finn yell for someone to start the cars, then start chasing after me.

How are we going to get her back?! My brain pummelled itself with questions, and I just parkoured along faster. I heard the other three start running up behind me- finally they'd picked up the pace.

"We don't want someone else to sprain they're ankle!" Spifey protested, panting heavily. To my dismay, Jacob answered him with something I didn't want to hear.

"It's worse than that." He trailed off, trying to savour breath. I kept on going, just wanting to be there for her.

"Nick- Mega's with her, it'll be okay." Jacob tried to calm me, but nothing was working.

She's my best friend. I yelled at myself. And I wasn't there for her when she needed me.

After going over a small bump in the earth, I caught sight of something that made my heart leap and sink at the same time.

Two small bodies were making their way towards us- but at a pace slower than a snail- and one of them was definitely Y/n. 

I burst forward again, new energy coming up. The closer I got, the more pain I could see scribbled on Y/n's face- Mega looked like he was struggling too, carrying her weight.

"Y/n!" I heard myself yell as I neared them. Mega shuddered violently, already trying to pass her over, and I took her. He smiled gratefully at me, before collapsing on Jacob, who had ran to his side. Finn and Spifey looked at Y/n, and I noticed Finn cringe.

I looked her up and down quickly, trying to be unnoticed. I saw right away two things that made my stomach lurch.

"N-N-Nick..." Y/n stuttered out between short, tired breaths.

"I'm here, I'm here- does anything hurt?" I asked, regretting my stupid question immediately- of course it hurt.

But she nodded anyways, and tried to lift up her left arm, as to show me, but she flinched at the sudden pressure of her muscles tensing, and she whimpered.

"F-F-Fuck..." She whispered before she passed out again. Now all her weight was on me, and I struggled to hold her up for a second, trying to find the right balance. I saw Spifey step forward to help, but I glared at him, and he backed up immediately.

"We need to get back, now." Finn pressed, and I nodded, completely focused on holding Y/n in a comfortable position. I started stepping towards where we'd came from, but I stumbled a step, and leaned back, trying to hold Y/n- but it was hard, being only a few inches taller.

"Nick, let Spifey take her- he's the tallest." Jacob cut in, noticing my struggle.

"No, I got her." I insisted, taking a few more steps.

"NICK." Jacob stated loudly, and I looked at him, dead in the eye. "Let Spifey take her- this isn't about you." Beside him, Mega had regained his strength, and was standing by himself again. Mega stared at me, nodding. He was just as worried for Y/n as I was. 

I hesitated for a second, wanting to fight back, wanting to take care of her. I didn't want Spifey to take her- I tried to tell myself that it was because he could drop her or something, but I couldn't keep lying to myself-

I was jealous.

I was jealous that Y/n hung out with Spifey all the time, like they were best friends. I was jealous that she talked to him, and they snickered and laughed about things I didn't get to know about. 

But I need to man up. To understand- this wasn't for me.

It's about Y/n.

I reluctantly leaned her over to Spifey, and he picked her up, bridal style. It would be easier to carry her, but another wave of jealousy whipped through me. I looked away, and I heard Spifey, Finn and someone else start walking.

I waited for a second, letting my jealousy settle, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Jacob beside me.

"Your jealous man. I can see it, plain as day." He exposed me honestly, looking me in the eyes. I kept my defence up for a second, before I felt my gaze soften.

"I am." I admitted, turning to look at Spifey walking away.

"She doesn't like him like that- I can tell." Jacob tried to persuade me, but that wasn't what I was worried about.

"Yeah, but what if he likes her." I mumbled loudly, mostly to myself. Jacob sighed.

"The best you can do is be there for her." Jacob said, and started chasing after them- but in the end, he ran next to Mega.

Mega was watching Y/n, his expression worried. I saw him whisper something, and then Jacob said something back. Then I watched him nervously reach his hand out from his pocket, and grab Mega's.

'The best you can do is be there for her.' Jacob's words echoed in my head, and before I knew it, I was chasing after them as well.


//927 Words\\ <3

So, yay! Idek if anyone would comment to answer this question, but what would you like to see happen while Y/n is hospitalized? (Yes, she's going to be in the hospital for a bit)

Okay, baiiiii! <3


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