24~//Feeling Good\\

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It was morning- and the first day of my break. I was actually kinda feeling good about it, since I'd checked Twitter and almost all the replies were supportive ones. Everyone was pretty okay with me being on a break.

I laughed as Jacob slipped on the crutches, falling backwards onto the brown, glossy, hardwood floor. Mega started to sputter out laughing as well and Jacob glared at both of us.

"It's hard on this stupid floor!" He whined, kicking the floor with his heel in frustration. Mega giggled and walked over to Jacob, motioning for the crutches.

"No! I'm not going to stop till I get this!" Jacob refused, turning his body slightly away from Mega. I grinned, knowing that refusing was not an option here- I was intrigued to see what Mega would do. I shifted on the couch a little, getting comfortable again.

Mega frowned at Jacob. He stopped moving for a second, staring at the wall- I guess he'd spaced out. I watched curiously as emotions and expressions flickered across his face. It was almost like you could see what he was thinking, but it wasn't very clear. He blinked again suddenly and a devilish grin formed on his face.

"Jaaacob." Mega whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. It was kinda creepy, kinda luring- almost like a siren or mermaid's voice. Jacob glanced over his shoulder since he'd turned to face completely away from Mega. One of his eyebrows were raised, he was just as confused as I was.

Mega slowly stepped around to Jacobs side, looking up slightly since he was so short. Mega grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him around and towards him with surprising strength.

"M-Mega... what are you doing." Jacob stuttered, his cheeks becoming pink. I giggled, watching Jacob become flustered- not paying attention to what Mega was actually doing. Mega was slowly taking the crutches right out of Jacobs hands, and he wasn't even noticing.

"Look who's stuttering now." Mega laughed slightly and pushed him backwards, causing Jacob stumble trying to catch his footing. Mega skipped towards me with my crutches and I giggled, patting his shoulder.

"Go try them out!" I said with a smile and Mega grinned at me, though not a scary grin this time. I hopped over to a clear space behind my couch and started trying to swing around on them, which was surprisingly hard, even for me.

But Mega swung around like a master, moving faster than me without a broken leg. My eyes grew wide as I watched him go around the living room and I glanced at Jacob. I looked away but  realized something and turned to look at him. Jacob wasn't smiling, or wide-eyed, or happy in general.

As he watched Mega go around he frowned, a sadness in his eyes. I knew it couldn't be the Mega had gotten them, or that he was able to use them so well. I got up and put my hand on Jacob's shoulder.

"Sit down." I said quietly and he sat on the couch next to him. He slumped forward slightly and sighed. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his back.

"What's wrong, why do you look so sad?" I asked.

"Don't you know?" Jacob whispered and leaned forward resting his head in his hands.

"Know what?"

"The only reason he's so good with those is because..." Jacob seemed unable to bring himself to say what he was going to. I waited, knowing I shouldn't rush him.

"You should know, you're his best friend."

I felt a little warm and happy, that Mega considered me his best friend and that Jacob knew that too. But again, I knew that wasn't what Jacob meant. He took a breath, looking around for I'm guessing Mega. I'd noticed Mega had gone to the kitchen and it looked like he was still there.

"When Mega still lived with his parents... they didn't have the best relationship." Jacob sighed. "He was in the hospital a lot because of them..."

I gasped quietly, connecting the dots and understanding what he meant. Mega.... Mega had been-

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and got up from the couch.

"Thank you for telling me." I whispered to Jacob and he nodded.

"Just don't ask him about it... he hates thinking about it." I nodded in agreement, walking to the kitchen. I saw Mega was indeed still here, eating a bowl of cereal. I saw my crutches leaning against the counter and I winced.

"Hey Y/n. You also hungry?" Mega asked after he'd swallowed his last spoonful of cereal.

"Mhm." I nodded and grabbed a granola bar from the counter. I leaned against the counter with my back next to Mega, whom was finishing his cereal. He put his spoon down and faced me.

"What's up with Jacob?" He asked.

"Uhh..." I struggled to think of a good excuse. "He's uh, sad that you took the crutches...?" I laughed slightly, the end of the answer sounding like a question. Mega laughed too though, which I guess leaned he believed me.

"I can fix that." He smiled and skipped out of the kitchen. I rolled him slowly, taking another bite out of my bar. I leaned against the kitchen entrance, watching Mega hop over to Jacob. I noticed Jacob smile weakly at the smaller boy as he leaned over the back of the couch. Mega said something and Jacob shrugged, looking towards the TV again which he'd since turned on.

Mega looked over to me, a little bit of annoyance in his frown. He rolled his eyes, which I didn't understand why, but then continued and jumped over the back of the couch, landing somewhat next to Jacob. He scooted closer, nestle into Jacobs warmth. He glance behind himself at me, motioning for me to close my eyes.

Knowing what was coming next, I put my hand over my eyes. But ha, jokes on him I have fingers- so I parted them slightly to peek through. And was it ever worth it.

Mega was kissing Jacobs cheek, Jacob moving his arm around Mega. He pulled away and rested his head on Jacob's shoulder, sighing and I noticed Jacob's cheeks were bright pink, though he was smiling.

I grinned, thinking they looked good together.


//1031 Words\\ <3

aww, im so good at fluff. not rlly doe. ehhhhhh-

CHECK OUT MY ONESHOT BOOK! okay yeah, see you guys, and tysm for over 700 views! <3


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