18~//Almost Back To Normal\\

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I glanced at the top of my screen, checking the time.

Monday | July 15 | 4:23

Oh, shoot! I thought to myself. I'd been scrolling through Twitter, trying to pass the time, but now too much time had passed- I should be streaming in about 5 minutes! 

I basically leapt off of my bed, wincing as my casted foot hit the ground. Even if it wasn't a heavy hit, it still hurt- but it was getting better, by the day even! I hobbled with surprising speed over to my desk, and spun the chair around so I could sit on it. I plopped down, spinning back around gleefully. I rolled up closer to my computer, and started setting up my stuff for the Stream.

I opened up OBS and checked to see whether my Mic was working, which it was. I was glad that nothing had been messed around with, so I didn't have to readjust. While I'd been gone, I had only asked Nick to do a quick stream on my channel, so everyone knew I wasn't dead.

I opened up Minecraft, putting my headphones on, and then started my stream.

"Hey guys!" I said, cheery as possible. I watched hundreds of people flood in, my view count jumping from 0 to almost 3000.

Huh, I guess they missed me...! I thought to myself. It gave me a little warm feeling, knowing they cared.

"Hi- Hi, hi, hi! Yes, I'm going to explain why I've been gone, and I'll do a little QnA at the end too." I said, managing to read a few messages from my chat.

"Awww, guys, thanks for caring!" I cooed, walking my player over to the Bedwars Parkour.

"Yeah, I won't be playing Bedwars today- I think slightly less clicking might be better for my arm." I continued, then remembered that none of them knew what happened. My chat exploded with 'Are you okay' and 'What happened to your arm'.

"Okay, so basically, the whole group here went to the beach about two weeks ago- yeah, it was really great, thanks for asking!- Anyways, near the end of our excursion, we went on a walk on a rockier part of the beach, and I wasn't really looking were I was going." I fibbed a bit, but I didn't want to mention anyone's name.

"I basically slipped on one of the hills, and fell all the way down- it's fine now though! I'm well, I'm alive, and I'm playing Minecraft!" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. My chat reacted, most of them just being very kind, and being glad I was okay. There were a few pokers and prodders in the chat, but I ignored them.

"What did I injure...? Oh, it wasn't too bad- just a mild concussion." I tried to not go on about what happened, but many people in chat were freaking out because I didn't mention my arm.

"Alright, fine- since you so badly want to know, I damaged my shoulder pretty badly, my wrist was strained, and I broke my ankle- but I'm still fine!"

A donation appeared, and my bot read it out for me.

'You're not fine! You should be resting right now you muffin!' The bot read out monotonly, but I knew exactly who donated.

"Aw c'mon Bad! Let me have a little fun!" I whined jokingly, laughing a bit in between the words. Just to add more affect, I changed my perspective so now the screen was looking at my character from another persons view. I pressed shift and pointed my head down, creating a sad look.

I giggled, and changed the perspective again to try the parkour over, for the 15th time. I read out chat messages, answered questions, and thanked tons of people for the donations. Suddenly curious- I checked the time and saw it was almost 6 o'clock.

"Awww, guys! I'm really sorry, but I don't think it would be a good idea to play Bedwars- unless you want to watch me lose the first rush." I laughed at the end, but felt bad for not being able to fulfill their request.

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