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|~|POV of Spifey/George|~|

My ears were filled with the sound of a heart monitor, beeping slowly, consistently, repeatedly. I was sitting down in one of those uncomfortable, teal chairs you'd find in hospitals. I put my head in my hands, sighing loudly.

It's all my fault.

Finn,  Jacob and Mega were all rowed up next to me, each dealing with this great catastrophe in their own way. It sounded like Jacob was comforting Mega, who was stressed out- I wasn't surprised, after all, I'd noticed that Y/n and Mega had become good friends over the 2 weeks she'd been with us.

But now it's like she's across the world again.

I rubbed by eyes, then propped myself up. I looked across the wide hallway at Y/n's door.


My mind snickered to itself about the number, but those two seconds couldn't make it past my grief, guilt and remorse- all stacked up inside me like a wall. Only Finn knew that it was basically my fault that this had happened, and he hadn't said anything yet.

Nick was currently inside with Y/n, in her room. They'd put her under, and implemented her with tons of medications. She wasn't conscious- more like in a deep, dark sleep, completely unaware that anything was happening outside her lifeless mind.

They're going to operate tomorrow- they'll fix her tomorrow!

I tried to cheer myself up, but nothing could fix her forever- not to the way she was before. The doctor that had inspected her said there would be a high chance that she'd never walk again- at least without crutches or a walking stick.

I laughed internally for a second, imagining Y/n with a walking stick. But then a wave of guilt washed over me and I remembered that this was my fault. I shook my head slightly, trying to shake the thought out of my head.

We need to believe in her... I need to believe in her.

I leaned back in my chair and sighed quietly, pulling out my phone.


1 1 : 4 9 

10 accounts followed you on Instagram.

10 Missed Calls from Skep.


I read the slew of notifications, and saw that Zak had called me- multiple times. I swiped my finger across that notification, and the calling screen showed up, along with the brrrrrrrrrrrr from the phone vibrating.

I put the phone to my ear, and waited.




"George!" Zak screeched into his phone and I winced, turning down the volume a bit. "How is she- Is everything okay- Do you guys need anything- When are you coming home?" 

He bombarded me with questions and I started to answer the easier ones.

"Uh, no, we're good here. Most of us aren't very hungry, but we can get something if we are..." I paused for a second, then continued.

"I don't know when were gonna be coming home... probably not long from now..." I stopped. and waited.

"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about.... her?" I heard Zak say softly, and I wilted a little.

"I'm sure she's fine."

"Okay... well, if you don't come home tonight, sleep well- and take care of her for us."

"Will do Zak... goodnight."

"Nigh-" I hung up and put the phone down on my leg. I sighed again, and ran my fingers through my hair, looking at the door again. 

For a little bit, we were all quiet- not a peep, whisper or beep of a phone from anyone. We kinda just looked back and forth between each other and Y/n's door.

But it was Finn who sighed, and started up a conversation.

"Uhh... if I were an animal, what animal would I be?" He said slowly, obviously trying to get us all to cooperate. I noticed Jacob's expression first- he looked like he thought Finn was either dumb or crazy.

"A s-sloth." Mega said, and I looked at him, surprised to hear him speak first.

"A sloth?!" Finn said, mocking outrage.

"Y-yeah. You're slow in the head just like them." Mega dissed, and I chuckled slightly. 

Finn glared at me, and said, "Well Mega, you could be any animal, after all- no animals talk."

Mega raised an eyebrow, and then boasted into a full on lecture, about how animals might not speak English, but they speak far more advanced, complicated languages between themselves.

I couldn't help but laugh a little out loud, and I noticed Jacob chuckled as well as Mega launched into a full-on rant. Finn just stared at Mega, his glare lessening until he too was laughing quietly.

And then there we were, all of us laughing quietly.

"Well-" I said between chuckles. "Jacob is obviously a cat." Jacob stoped laughing and glared at me, just like Finn had.

"I'm not a cat, I'm an ELK." He said sternly, and I just started to laugh. "Psh, beaver man." He said under his breath, and I just laughed harder, trying to keep it down.

After a while of giggling, insults, retorts and disses,  we'd all finally come to a stop, our lungs tired from working in and out so much air. As Finn, Jacob and Mega discussed something irrelevant to me, and I was sitting in my chair scrolling through Twitter, while my intricate brain continued the game we'd been playing.

I know what animal Y/n would be- a bat- after all, she's sleeping all the time.

I stopped scrolling through my phone, and wilted again, like a flower that was stepped on. This wasn't funny- not funny at all! Why had we been laughing while Y/n was in a hospital room, hooked up to a bunch of machines that are pumping her own lungs for her?!

I put my phone down on my chair, and asked Jacob to watch it. He nodded, and I turned to Y/n's door, and knocked. After a couple seconds, the door opened, and Nick was standing there, red eyed. I softened for a second, guilt hitting me again.

"Nick..." I started quietly. "Can I come in?"

He nodded, and stepped out of the room, knowing I meant alone. I walked in, and closed the door behind me. When I looked ahead again, I couldn't find Y/n- only a lifeless, pale, quiet girl.

My heart squeezed tight and my remorse and grief tumbling past the guilt. I rushed to her side, and kneeled down, to be level with her head. I felt tears roll down my cheeks, but I wiped my eyes, and let it all out.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Y/n. It was just a joke, I didn't realize that it was that bad- Zak told me about it and I thought you'd just struggled in school, and that you were past it now..." I vented. 

"I didn't know you still cared..." I stared at her face, expected her to move, to smile, even just to open her eyes and look at me. 

But nothing.

I put my head down on her bed, and released all that remorse, grief and guilt, so she'd know that I didn't mean what'd happened at all.


//1134 Words\\ <3

So, that took me a little longer to get out then expected- sorry, sorry.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna have 1 more chapter where Y/n is still out of conscious, but after that you'll be back in her perspective again!

Okay, baiiiiii! <3


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