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Warnings: Swearing, Thoughts of Self-Harm and Suicide

|~|POV of Y/n|~|

I get up out of my bed, feeling slightly better than the day before. After talking to my sister/brother, and figuring out a plan, I knew that worst came to worst, everything would be alright.

Maybe I can stay though... I think to myself. I felt ten times better than I had the last two days, so maybe things were going to be better for me. I smile, dressed in some leggings and a baggy sweater, my long hair bobbing around my shoulders. (Sorry if u don't have long hair ;-;)

I slip out my door, heading towards the stairs. I was going to cook myself some eggs today, maybe some bacon too. I thought of Technoblade, laughing internally at the idea of eating bacon. Maybe I'd tweet it too, just to rub it in.

I'm about to walk dwn the first step when I hear voices coming from the living room, just barely echoing up the stairs.

"She's not okay..." I froze, knowing exactly who they were talking about. If I had animal ears, they'd be perked up, listening intently to the conversation downstairs. Who was down there?

"You're saying she had a knife?" Zak- Harvey or Nick had told Zak. I shuddered, realzing that my secret wasn't much of a secret anymore.

"She asked Nick...... she asked him what was wrong with her."

There's nothing wrong with me! I thought to myself furiously, but the wall I'd put up shattered in an instant, the dark thoughts rumbling through. You're nothing- Murderer- Almost killed yourself- Useless- Maybe you should've just died already-

I cringed, sitting on the stairs and putting my hands over my ears, as if it would block out the voices. I heard someone say 'Holy shit' and frowned- I didn't want anyone pity, didn't need it- I was fine!

"What do we do?" That sounded like Finn- how many of them were down there, how many of them knew? I opened my eyes again, frowning, my thoughts tumbling around in my brain. I didn't need to hear anymore- I'd made up my mind.

I stood up again, abadoning the idea of breakfast and ran to my room, attempting to be as quiet as possible. I basically slam the door behind me, accepting the tears that run down my face. 

I snatch my suitcase from the corner of my closet, flinging it open and opening my closet. I grab the majority of my clothes, placing them in flimsy, messy piles. I throw in anything else I could fit in my suitcase, the only things being left in my room being a few trinkets and my bedsheets and pillows. 

I put a few nessaties in my backpack before throwing that on top of my closed suitcase as well, then flopping down on my bed. I take my phone from my nightstand, finally looking around at my room. It was relatively clean, but empty- the decorations gone, the life I'd put into it out again. My eyes trailed on my bulging, packed suitcase, wondering whether this was the right thing to do.

I opened up my phone, going onto Safari and searching up buses. I scoured the website, searching for a bus that went to California- and there. In two hours, a bus was leaving from (State Your In) to California. I hesitated a moment before clicking the ticket, filling out the information needed with shaking fingers.

I stared at the word BUY, the world moving in slow motion as I clicked the green, cheery button.

Your ticket has been bought!

I sucked in breath, realizing what I'd just done. I went onto the Uber app, asking for an Uber from the house to the Bus Station, which was half an hour away. The request being sent, I had to do one last thing on my phone, clicking on the messages app.


Sibling: See ya!

See you soon!

| Message delivered at 10:26



//654 Words\\ <3

Stretching this out for as long as I can go....


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