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Warning: Cursing

|~|POV of Y/n|~|

I woke up, blinking at my ceiling. I was under my covers feeling warm and cozy I didn't want to get up. There was little light coming into my room- I realized my blinds were down- the silver moonlight being locked out.

I sat up and threw my covers off of me, walking over to my blinds. I parted one of the pieces, squinting outside. The sky was dark, it was indeed evening- maybe even later. I wondered whether everyone had eaten or if they were having dinner now.

I yawned, stretching and wandered over to my desk. My monitors were powered down and my PC was off, everything looked normal and in place- except for two things.

Where's my Keyboard and Mouse?! Panic zoomed through my brain as I always got worried when my stuff went missing. I looked all around my desk and in the drawers, checking every nook and cranny my stuff could possibly be.

I stood up straight again,  pacing around my room in circles. Someone had to take it- who would take my stuff? They always think they're funny, playing pranks like this. My brain was pummeling itself with worry, stress, frustration- so many emotions I didn't need.

I walked out of my room, sliding down the hallway in my fuzzy socks. I basically jumped down half the stairs at once,  taking the rest three at a time. I looked into the kitchen, the only ones there being Darryl and Mega, whom were cleaning the dishes.

"Oh hey Y/n!" Darryl greeted cheerily, glancing at me from the soapy plate in his hands. Mega nodded, making a hello sound as well.

"Have you guys seen my Keyboard and Mouse!? They're gone and I spent way to much money working on those-" Darryl shushed me, and then pointed to the top of the cabinets, 8 and a half feet in the air- and there they were, sitting on top.

I stared at my stuff, shell-shocked, sending a glare at Mega and Darryl. Mega looked like he was about to burst out laughing while Darryl was frowning at me.

"You need a break." Darryl said.

"No! I'm fine- now gimme my stuff!" I said, walking over to their side of the island and went up on my tippy-toes in gesture. Darryl grabbed me by my hood and pulled me back gently.

"You do need a break-" Darryl started to lecture but was interrupted by Mega whisper-laughing.

"Gimme gimme never gets, don't you know your manners yet?" I muttered in outrage and started climbing up on the counter. Darryl tsked and grabbed me by my waist, dragging me down again. Mega just started laughing, fueling my rage.

"Darryl- put me fucking down!" I gibbered aggressively and he put my on my feet. I caught him mumbling his famous line 'Language' as he was pushing me out of the kitchen.

"Y/n, you literally passed out crying this morning- your not okay." He said sternly, putting his hands on my shoulders. I stopped arguing, having not remembered the morning. The memories rushed back- well everything before it all went dark. 

I remembered I'd felt like I was freezing and overheating at the same time- my mind was a jumble and I couldn't think straight, jumping from conclusion and thought-train into darkness- it was a mess. I'd felt like a PC overheating.

I realized that Darryl was shaking me lightly and I came back to my senses and reality.

"C'mon Y/n." Darryl walked me to the stairs since I still wasn't really paying attention. I just let him push me, guide me.

I was stuck in a loop, thinking about my situation- I wanted to go back to being myself, not this mentally-unstable, crazy, overthinking person. I just wanted to post my videos on YouTube, communicate with fans on Twitter- I wanted to be Y/u again, not Y/n.

I heard Darryl walk away, and I warred with myself whether to turn around and demand my stuff back, or listen to him and take a nice, twelve-hour nap. But in the end, I didn't choose either. My feet basically rooted themselves on the spot, my legs feeling so weak I couldn't take another step without falling over.

I heard Mega come up behind me- his footsteps were lighter, quieter than everyone else's. He put a hand on my shoulder and stood next to me.

"Wanna talk about it?" He whispered and I nodded slightly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me forward a step, ripping away the invisible roots on my feet. We walked to my room, Mega decided. He probably thought that I might fall asleep talking- which could be possible, I was exhausted.

He left my door open a crack, releasing my hand. I walked myself to my bed, and plopped down on it, leaning against the wall it was next to. I let out a half sigh, half yawn and blinked at Mega, who'd sat in my rickety gaming chair.

"Start talking." He said, quieter than the average indoor-voice.

"About what?" I mumbled, blinking slower.

"Anything- how do you feel?"

"Uhhh... tired."

"C'mon, you have to be more than just tired."

I thought for a long, hard second, my eyesight dwindling. I thought about what he asked for second- I really shut everything else out. And then it was all clear- I was tired from being awake 20 hours of each day; stressed and scared that I would disappoint my fans by going dark again; frustrated that I had to take a break; pressured by the constant shipping and playful nagging I was enduring from even my housemates.

"Holy shit." I whispered and Mega half-smiled.

"It's a lot, isn't it?" He admitted quietly. I look up at him, even though he wasn't looking at me. For once I noticed the small creases on his forehead that were almost always there- he was also stressed out, maybe pressured. He also looked quiet... proud.

I nodded, realizing I hadn't reacted to what he said. Mega. glanced at me, making the effort and smiling a bit. I smiled back weakly as my eyes shut for a second and I dozed off. I snapped my eyes awake, admitting to myself it was time to sleep.

"Mega, I think I'm going to take my twelve-hour nap now." I joked and Mega laughed as well. I decided not to be a total waste of his time, plus make myself feel better. I got up off my bed and leaned down a bit to hug him and he tentatively hugged back.

I stepped back after a moment, smiling the biggest smile I've been able to in hours.

"You should sleep too Mega- I can see you're tired." Mega nodded, getting up from my chair. He nodded at me, walking to my door.

"Oh, and tell Jacob I said goodnight." I snickered and he rolled his eyes as he cheeks turned a bit pink. Mega did a small wave which I mimicked, and then shut the door behind him on his way out.

I plopped back onto my bed, snuggling under the covers. I gazed through the dark air at my ceiling, feel bored and uneasy- there was something I needed to do. I pulled my phone off my nightstand, unlocking it and opening up Twitter. After a minute of obsessive tapping, I clicked the 'Tweet' button, and the Tweet sent. Within seconds the likes, retweets and replies started piling in, but I ignored them.

I read over the tweet again before shutting off my phone and setting it on my nightstand. I rolled over in my bed, smiling to myself. It's a good thing I listen to Mega.



Hey guys! I'm going to be taking a mental-health break for a bit- just to make sure I'm fully recovered before I get back to posting! Stay happy and healthy!



//1302 Words\\ <3

Ayyyy, I'm back with another chapter. Also I am watching the LoveOrHost Stream rn, and its very cool B)

Love you guys! <3


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