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|~|POV of Y/N|~|

Your Uber has arrived!

The tab slides down on my screen and I swipe it up. I close Twitter, stuffing my phone in my pocket and prepare myself- this was going to be messy.

I pick up my suitcase, clicking the release button for the handle to pop out. I drag the suitcase behind me, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and looking at my door.

This might be the last time... I put my hand on the door, patting it as if it was a pet. I laugh to myself, unable to stop the few tears that leak from my eyes. I wipe them away, plaster a big smile on my face, and walk out of the room. 

The hallway is empty, everyone in their rooms or something. A small pang of sadness hits my chest, wishing I could say goodbye, but maybe this would be easier- I'll just text the groupchat. I walk to the stairs, realizing what a struggle it would be to get my suitcase down the stairs. I drag it down, one stair at a time, wincing at each loud thump that results.

I make it to the last stair, sighing and walking to the front door. My shoes are already on so I just open the front door, dropping my backpack on the bench- I'll get it last. I roll the suitcase behind me, the man of the Uber waiting outside his car.

The clouds rumble, dark and gray and I sigh- of course it's raining today, how fitting. He opens the Uber's trunk and I throw my suitcase inside, thanking him.

"I just need to grab my backpack." I say and he nods, entering his car. I half-run to the front door, which is half open and slip inside. I snatch my backpack of the bench, throwing it over my shoulder and looking up at the house, one last time.

"Y/N!" I turn to the stairs and see Spifey running down, taking the last three stairs at once and coming over to me, confusion clouding his eyes. "What are you doing- where are you going?"

I sigh, laughing sadly. "I'm leaving George."

He doesn't saying anything, staring out into space for a second before snapping back. "You can't- Y/n you can't!"

"Why?" I say, knowing no one can talk me out of this.. Spifey sputters, putting his hands on my arms. "You just can't."

I laugh again- a small, sad laugh. One that says 'I'm sorry' and 'It'll be okay'. I don't know what to say to him- one of my best friends, maybe more than that to me. I blink slowly, taking a step closer and leaning into him, giving him the biggest hug of my life.

"I'm sorry George... just tell everyone else I said goodbye, okay?" I looked up again, to see his eyes redder, a tear dripping down his cheek. His dark, wavy hair his frizzy and unkempt. "And take care of that hair too, would ya?" I joke, trying to lighten the mood. He lets out a hlaf-laugh, half-sob and holds me tight again.

"Y/n, you're my best friend, you know that?" I nodded sligthly, feeling my throat start to choke up too. I don't want to leave them- him. I give him one last squeeze before pulling away, trying my hardest to not let the tears fall.

"Why would you leave me?" He says quietly. I open my mouth but nothing comes out and I know my words are lost. I try to smile but the corners of my mouth are tugged down and I know every second longer will make it harder to leave.

I find my words and step closer again, wrapping my arms around George's neck to pull him down. I go up on the tips of my toes, giving him a last kiss goodbye. It lasts for only a second but it meant everything to me, and I can tell it did for him too. I pull away, taking a few jogging steps back.

"I love you."

And then I throw open the Uber's door, sliding inside and shutting it beside me, promising myself I wouldn't look back.


//680 Words\\ <3


Well, this is the end! I hope you enjoyed-

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