14~//Soon To Be Home\\

358 8 2

|~|POV Of Darryl/BadBoyHalo|~|

The breeze felt nice on my face as I walked around the neighbourhood we lived in. The sun shone through the holes in the clouds, and the earth was patterned by rays of heat, but it was still a little chilly in my opinion.

I was walking to the park that was quite close to the big, 'YouTuber House' we'd chosen. Well, I don't know if you could really count it as a park. It was a just a massive grassy field that was kinda fun to run around in- not that I usually did a lot of that running around.

I was meeting Zak, Harvey and George(Spifey) there. I had agreed to this whole exhibition, only because Zak said it was to cheer George up.

The poor muffin, his been like a hollowed out shell ever since... I trailed off my thoughts, not wanting to think about it. He wasn't taking it very well, but I still wasn't really sure why. I'd seen George talking to Finn sometimes, but otherwise he closed himself off.

Maybe I should ask Finn. I concluded, and picked up my slow pace a little. The 'park', was just past this block. But unfortunately, that block was just too far to stop my brain from ticking.

I wonder if Y/n is okay... The Doctors said she woke up for a bit yesterday, but said the pain meds weren't doing a good enough job, so the put her back to sleep- Nick also hasn't been so well, good thing Clay and George took him out today...

Nick was the other one that seemed quite distant over the past half-a-week. I knew he'd liked Y/n at one point- maybe he still did. Clay and George had decided to take him into town- they were going to check out the new coffee shop that had opened.

Jacob and Mega were at home- they'd been playing a Board-game when I'd left, and Finn went to pick up Vurb-

Oh right! Vurb's coming to visit! 

I cheered in my head quietly, then giggled aloud. I wonder if that would help distract George and Nick.

I turned the corner, not really paying attention. I saw the medium-length grass waving ahead of my, just to the right. The tips were a bit yellow, and were rippling in the cool breeze as it swept up again. Distant shouting and screeching could be heard, and I automatically assumed it was Zak.

As I passed the tree line, I knew my assumptions were correct- Zak was streaking across the field in an eye-catching, blue hoodie. Behind him was a- too my delight- smiling George. Not far back- more-or-less strolling after them, was Harvey.

"Hey Harv!" I yelled at him, jogging towards the spread out group. Harvey turned his head in my direction, and grinned, waving a little.

"Hey Bad-Darryl." He said once I was closer. I slowed to a walk and parallel by his side. Harvey looked back to Zak and George, who's roles had switched and now Zak was chasing. It looked kind of funny, seeing 6'4 George getting chased by a small, 5'8 Zak.

Their course changed, and they started running towards us, and I did a small wave. Zak abruptly stopped, and screeched, "Bad!"

I laughed slightly, and I heard Harvey rumble as he chuckled as well. The two came over to us, and we all stopped in a circle-looking shape.

"Hey Darryl." George smiled at me, and Zak glanced at me, grinning. I could tell what Zak was thinking.


I stopped thinking, and we all started some normal conversation.

"How's your day been, Bad?"

"It's kinda cold today."

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