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|~|POV of Spifey/George|~|

I slid open my door, trying not to creak it. It's almost dinner, by I'm going down early because I have nothing else to do right now and I lost all motivation. I chuckle to myself quietly, walking down the hallway to the stairs.

I see Nick, Clay, and George on the couch, chatting quietly. Nick has a worried look on his face, Clay sitting next to him looking just as upset. George is sitting on the far end of the couch, staring intently at his phone.

"Hey guys." I say and they look up. I walk down the last step, wandering my way over to them. "What's up?" Nick smiles at me, but it's a sad smile.

"We've got news about Bad..." Clay trailed off, glancing at Nick and George. George looked up and shrugged, but now I could see the worry and sadness in his eyes as well.

"What's wrong?" I say.

"Darryl almost died." Nick said quietly. "He's okay now, they saved him. But he almost passed..."

My brain racked itself for an explanation and reassurance. Darryl was okay- he was one of those few things that held us together in the worst times- Darryl couldn't die! I shook my head, sitting down on the floor to recover myself.

"He's okay now, that's what the hospital said." Clay reassured, hopefully setting everyone else at ease. I sighed, repeating his words in my head. Darryl would be okay- before anyone knew it, he'd be back in the house, cooking breakfast and taking care of everyone, laughing at Zak- he'd be okay.

"What about Y/n? How's she doing?" I ask, looking up at Nick. He'd gone and visited her today apparently, so he must've had news. She'd been concious again for a while now, but they said it still might be another week before she could come home.

Nick half-smiled. "She's up in her room right now." My eyes went wide and I basically jumped up off the floor. Clay chuckled and Nick continued. "She came home with me today- they said she was good to go!"

I grinned, and started walking towards the stairs. I pause, looking behind me and say, "I'll talk to you guys later." Then I start walking again, hearing Nick say goodbye. As I go up the stairs, I hear a faint whisper of their conversation.

"He'll be good for her Nick."

"I know."

I smile, feeling another wave of relief washing over me- maybe the tension between Nick and I could change. I take the last steps, remembering that I hadn't grabbed even a banana to eat.

Oh well, worth it if Y/n's really home. I walk down the hallway, stopping at the intersection inbetween my door and Y/n's. I turn to her room, listening in for a second before knocking. I can hear small, quiet breathing, so maybe she's asleep.

Might as well check on her... I think, putting my hand on the door handle and turning it down. I try to push open the door, but there's something heavy blocking its way. I sigh, pushing harder and hear rustling as the door moves open further- I'm moving whatever it is. I finally have made a big enough gap for me to squeeze through, and so I smush myself through the door frame, into her room.

Her room is clean- enough to make my envious. But she hasn't been here for very long, and was gone for a month, so maybe thats why. I look at her bed, which is made and tidy- where was Y/n? I hear more quiet breathing and turned to the door again.

"Would you look at that..." I mumbled, staring at Y/n. She was curled up on the floor, sound asleep. No wonder the door was so hard to move- she was in the way. I kneeled down, picking her up and placing her on her bed. I stood, up, smiling dpwn at her.

"Ridiculous." I say aloud to myself. Then I walk out of the room, closing the door behind myself. I grin, happy that she's finally home- maybe this time I'll be brave enough to tell her.


//676 Words\\ <3

Kinda a shorter chapter, but oh well! Hope you guys enjoyed! :D


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