34~//Not Okay\\

149 5 0

Warnings: Swearing


|~|POV of TapL/Harvey|~|

"She's not okay..." I say quietly, admitting the truth to my friends who sit around me. Finn, Vurb, Zak, Jacob and Mega are all in the living room, splayed over couches, chairs, and the floor. Their expressions ranged from worried to scared.

"You're saying she had a knife?" Zak asked again, obvious disbelief clouding his senses. I nodded, slowly, as if even I didn't want to admit it. "She asked Nick...... she asked him what was wrong with her."

"Holy shit..."  Jacob muttered. He has his arm around Mega, holding him close. Mega looked shocked and very upset- maybe because of what his own past had been like.

"What do we do?" Finn said slowly. That had been the question I was going to ask, and based on everyone elses dumbfounded faces, they were all thinking the same thing. I heard tapping coming from upstairs, then a door slam but I was interrupted by Mega.

"We can't send her to the hospital." He said, his voice just above a whisper.

"Why not- wouldn't they be able to help her?" Vurb countered, and Mega looked at him with a strange expression. Jacob whispered something in his ear, and Mega nodded in response.

"I know what it's like." He said quietly- no one spoke up this time. "The hopsital didn't help me. She needs the people she loves around her- family, friends. Random nurses and therapists won't do a thing, except maybe make it worse."

Mega sucked in a breath, leaned back into Jacob's arm as if he was tired. Jacob smiled at him, whispered soemthing else in Mega's ear that got a small half-smile out of him. Zak stood up, paced around his chair and sat down again, his brain restless and active.

"I can't help but think this is my fault- I was so.... mean- when she got back." He said quietly, bringing his knee's to his chest and sighing, flustered. I shot Zak a reassuring looking, reminding him that this was no one's fault. No one could do anything about that moose, and if Y/n had seen it sooner. She still would've had to have swerved pretty violently to get away- no one would've gotten away unscathed.

"We've got to help her through this." Jacob said determindly and Mega nodded. Everyone else in the living room agreed, and with that, we all parted ways, going to our rooms to do our own thing. As difficult as it was to think that recording was to be done, fans were starting to anicipate and get anxious, starting rumors- it was best to keep things at a low right now.

As I plopped down in my gaming chair, starting up Minecraft and OBS, I couldn't help but wonder whether this whole YouTube house had been worth it, or whether maybe parting ways would be best.


//463 Words\\ <3

Sorry, this was a short, filler chapter.

Btw, I've decided how this is going to end, so we're nearing the end of this story! :(


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