26~//Follow The Leader\\

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Sorry for being gone for a bit! ;-; Here's your chapter!

Warnings: Swearing


I woke up the next morning, feeling drained and tired. I'd gone to bed slightly earlier than normal- gotten a whole nine-and-a-half hours of sleep- and I still felt like I'd slept for only an hour. I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to my closet, pulling out a random hoodie and pair of sweatpants. I trudged to the bathroom and had a quick shower- even if I felt like crap didn't mean that I was going to neglect myself and my needs.

I dried myself off, pulled on my fuzzy Y/U hoodie and light-grey sweatpants and brushed my teeth. I patted down my hair a bit since the top was getting frizzy and looked in the mirror- not half-bad for a couch potato day. 

I unlocked the shower door, heading out into the hallway and towards the kitchen. I was hungry, and hadn't eaten anything proper in more than twelve hours and I needed to eat. I stumbled down the stairs and peeked into the kitchen- no one.

I sighed in relief and entered the tile-floored room. As I poured myself some cereal and milk, I thought about how I didn't wnat to see anyone- why had I sighed in relief? Was I just tired and not in the mood to talk to anyone? Or was cutting myself off, thinking it would help with my problems?

I shook my head to get out of another endless thought train, pushing the bowl to the end of the island and then picking it up, bring it with me to the living room. I set the bowl down on the coffee table and sat down on the edge of gteh couch leaning forward again for the remote.

I turned on the TV, flicking through channels until I found something half-interesting and settled back with my cereal. I didn't really know what it was- some weird parkour show about people jumping through a trampoline park. I spooned some more cereal into my mouth, thinking.

And idea struck me and I swear my eyes lit up like a lightbulb. A trampoline park! That would be a great way for my to start working up with my ankle! I sat the cereal down on the coffee table again and sprung up from the couch. 

I raced up stairs to where my phone was charging and plopped down onto my bed, unlocking my phone and entering safari. I typed quickly, practice over the years kicking in and I pressed search. There- a Trampoline Park a half an hour drive away.

I grinned, looking at the time.

Tuesday | August 2 | 9:53

I unplugged my phone, stuffing it into my f/c hoodie and hopping over to my closet, switching out my sweatpants for some leggings. I pulled out a pair of socks as well, stumbling over to the door and slipping them on at the same time.

I shut my door behind me, excitedly rapping on Spifey's door across from mine. I waited for a few moments before my excitement got the best of me and I opened the door a crack. I peeked inside to see him still snoring on his bed, the blanket on the floor. 

I giggled to myself and tip-toed over to him, hesitating before violently shaking his shoulder and whisper-yelling 'Morning!'

He basically jumped out of his skin, leaping up into a sitting postion, his eyes tired but bewildered. He looked around himself, stopping on me and running his hand through his hair.

"What the fuck?" He said, pretty monotonely for the language he was using. I laughed, stepping back towards his door.

"Get dressed, we're going!" I said mysetriously, hoping he'd get ready faster out of curiousity. Before he could say another word I skipped out of his room, pulling the door closed behind me. I grinned, going to wake up everyone else.


Most of the others were already awake in their rooms (except for Zak, Harvey and Vurb) and it didn't take much convincing to get them downstairs. Now, I had their attention, standing in front of the TV with a backpack at my feet, smiling. They were all sitting or standing around the couches, looking at me with ranged expressions for tiredness to curiousty.

I was a little worried what they'd say about this, especially with Darryl always reminding me about me 'condition', but I hoped they'd all just agree with the points I'd make.

"Good morning guys!" I said cheerily, a slurred hello echoing back.

"So, your all probably wondering why I got you guys down here so early..."

"And woke us up!" Zak complained from the couch. He was slouched over and his hair was a fuzzy mess. I giggled and Darryl patted his head in comfort.

"Anyways- we're all a little tired and tense right?" I asked. I heard a lot of 'Mhms' back and nodded to myself, continuing.

"And we haven't had group fun since...." I trailed off and a silence follow that. "We haven't had enough fun."

"So, I say it's about time that we do have fun!" I smile and a few of them smile back.

"What are we going to do?" Clay asked. This where I grin.

"It's a surprise!" I giggle and skip towards the frontdoor. "C'mon! I'm driving!" I swing open the front door and hear a load of shuffling feet behind me. For a second, it feels good to be leaving the house with the gang again and I smile. I saunter to Darryl's car and go to the front.

"Who said you can drive my car?" Darryl called from the other side of the SUV and I peeked through the windows at him. I put my hands together in a 'please' gesture and I could hear him sigh from the other side. He unlocked the car and I jumped in.

I'll be honest- I hadn't driven a car in a solid  month and a half so I was a bit nervous. But as my friends slid into the car and Darryl gave me a few reaasuring words, my nerves evaoprated. I slipped the key into the fob and put my hands on the wheel. 

I took a breath and relazed before settling my eyes on the road ahead of me. I pulled out of the driveway, turning onto the road and listened for the sound of tires rolling behind me.

"They're following." Darryl informed me and I nodded, picking up the speed and heading towards the highway. I felt tense, wondering for a moment whether this was a good idea. But I remembered where I was going, what I was doing. 

I was going to have the best day ever with my friends.


//1104 Words\\ <3

ello mates- i am here! just in case you didnt see the announcement on my page, updates will be coming more slowly, but they will come!

Have a good rest of your day! <3


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