3~//Feels Like Home\\

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I finally folded my last shirt, I lacing it gently on the pile of them in the closet. I stepped back and took a look at my work. I had finally moved the majority of my clothes into the closet- the only others were due in the Moving Truck that was coming today, along with all my other belongings.
The only things left in my suitcase were a few pictures that I'd taken with me, and my favourite bed sheets- the ones that were pattern with my favourite colour. I took out two framed photographs, placing one on the desk, next to my pencil cup, and a binder.
I was about to place the other one on my nightstand but I hesitated, to look at it. It was a picture of me with my family. I smiled for a second, but it was a sad smile- I kinda missed them a bit.
I put the photo down, and dragged my suit case to the closet, hiding it on the opposite side my clothes inhabited. I slid the closet-door shut, and skipped to my room door, pulling it open.
I was about to continue down the hallway, but I stopped to look at Spifey's door. I could hear him in there, but he wasn't being very loud. I decided to check on him, since I hadn't talked to him much at breakfast.
I tapped on the door, waiting for him to say something.
"Come in!" I heard him yell, not very loudly though. I opened the door and stood by it.
"I knew it was you-" Spifey laughed.
"Why?" I said, honestly curious.
"Because no-one else in this crazy house would knock." He laughed, and I giggled quietly with him.
"Watcha doin?" I continued.
"Streaming- say Hi stream!" Spifey said, and I looked at his stream chat- filled with Hi!'s, Who Is She?'s and I even saw a few 'Ooo- Spifey's Girlfriend???'
I laughed and said, "Hi Spifey's chat- it's Y/u!"
"Y/u just came yesterday, she's moving in to the big YouTube house!" Spifey said, the last part being a joke.
"Is that what they call this place?" I giggled. I said goodbye to Spifey and his Stream, and then walked downstairs.
The only one's down there were Mega and Jacob- they were bickering about something, I just couldn't really hear.
I went down the stairs, making it obvious of my presence, and I noticed them stop to turn and look at me.
"Y/n!" Jacob smiled warmly, waving me over. I sat on one of the bar stools, and leaned my head on my arms.
"Hey Jacob, Hey Mega." I said. Mega did a small wave and smiled, before furrowing his brow at Jacob.
"What?!" He complained. "What did I do!"
I laughed, and watched Mega try to tell him off without words- it was kinda funny.
"Mega, if you want, I can leave so you can actually tell Jacob off." I joked, but meant it. Mega did a wave motion with his hand, like he was saying, 'No, it's fine!'
We all chattered for a bit, before a loud honk scared us.
"Who the hell us that?" Jacob said, spooked.
"I'll check..." I said while getting up. I walked to the front door, and opened it. In front of the house was a big, moving truck- my stuff was here!
"Mega, Jacob, mind giving me a hand?" I called back into the house. The two shuffled to the front door, looking outside.
"My stuff is here." I explained.
"Oh. Yeah, we'll help!" Jacob said while Mega nodded.
Together, we brought up four cardboard boxes into my room. Jacob dropped the last one on my floor, and rubbed his hands on his pants.
"Thanks guys!" I smiled gratefully.
"No problem! Happy unpacking!" Jacob said, walking out of the room. Mega followed him, but stopped at my doorframe, and turned around.
"B-bye...!" He managed to stutter out, and I grinned.
"Bye Mega!" He smiled too, and then walked away. I turned around to look at the boxes.
Time to get unpacking!
I squished the fourth, destroyed cardboard box into the hallway, and turned around to look at my room. My books and art supplies were in their shelf, along with all my little decorations, trinkets, and memories.
My PC was set up, and ready to go, and my trash can was already full. Pictures, paintings and photo's covered the wall. I tried my best to make it look like my room at home, and I'd done a good job. I really did feel like I was at home.
I grinned to myself, feeling ready to be me again.

//784 Words\\ <3

Well, that's chapter three! I won't be writing anymore today, but there might be a double post tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled!

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