2~//Breakfast Bash\\

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I hazily blinked, coming to my conscious. I looked around the room, and panicked for a second, not recognizing my surroundings.
But then yesterday came rushing back- the 4-hour flight, the house, Darryl, Zak, and George. I smiled, remembering how kind they all were. I looked towards the window next to my bed, seeing bright sunlight shining through. I must've slept through the whole night- and Darryl's dinner.
I pang of guilt simmered through me, but I remember how tired I'd been, and the long day I'd had- I needed that sleep.
I ungracefully glided down the stairs in some thick, grey leggings and a baby-blue Champion hoodie- one that was way to big for me. As I hit the last step, I jumped lightly onto the hardwood floor, causing the loose grip on my phone to slip. It clattered against the floor, causing the three people sitting at the bar to look back at me.
Two of the faces I recognized, but one was unfamiliar.
"Y/u?" Sapnap questioned.
"That's me!" I chuckled while crouching down to pick up my phone. I scanned it quickly- no new cracks, phew.
Sapnap, or Nick, smiled. "Welcome!"
"We would've met last night, but Spifey said you were out cold, so we let you sleep." The unfamiliar face in the center spoke. "I'm Clay, or also known as Dream."
I nodded. "It's nice to know the face behind the Minecraft skin." I walked around the island where the three were sitting, leaning on the other side.
George laughed. "I'm assuming you know me?"
"Yessir!" I chortled. "Anyone know where the cereal hides?" I motioned towards their bowls- some typical Cheerios and Fruitloops.
"In the biggest cupboard near the living room." Nick pointed, spoon in hand. I turned around to see a floor to ceiling cupboard door- I assumed that's what he was pointing to.
"Thanks." I said while opening the doors. I pulled out some sort of raisin cereal, and grabbed a bowl. I shook it out so the bowl was filled halfway, and then poured the milk. I slid into the last bar seat next to George.
"So, what's your real name?" Clay asked.
"Y/n." I answered simply. "And you are Nick, Clay and George."
"Correct." Nick praised, his mouth full of Cheerios.
We all ate in peace, cracking a few jokes and asking some questions. They were a funny group, I wasn't going to lie.
I spooned another raisin into my mouth, listening to Nick and George bicker about something, while Clay wheezed from the couch- he'd gone there to check his Twitter.
I heard the stairs creak as someone came down, which turned out to be multiple someones.
"Zak!" I exclaimed with the most morning energy I could muster.
"Hey Y/n!" Zak yawned.
"Y/n?" I face to the right asked. He had black scruffy hair, not quite having as much volume as Zak's.
"Y/n, this is Harvey- or TapL! Harv, this is Y/n!" Zak introduced us. I waved hello, and Harvey smiled in return, while George and Nick said their hello's.
Everyone crowded around the island, and Dream cam back over, standing next to me now instead though. He also, was quite tall- I think I remember him being 6'2?
Zak, after grabbing himself a bowl of cereal, sat in between Nick and George, while Harvey stood on the other side of the island, making himself some toast. I noticed the other, shorter boy that came down with Zak, had sat down on the couch. I decided to go say hello, since he seemed shy or something.
I walked over, and sat on the other side of the couch, turning towards him. I couldn't recognize his face at all, but he was quite scrawny, and had longer, strands of brown hair flying everywhere.
"Hello! I'm Y/u, or Y/n!" I smiled politely. The boy produced a small smile, and shook his head. I tried to understand.
"Oh! Y/n!" Zak shuffled over to the couch with his cereal bowl. "This is Mega! Mega, do you mind if I tell her?"
Mega shook is head, and looked at me again, smiling.
"Mega has Select-Mutism... it kinda means he doesn't talk to some people." Zak explained. "Don't take it personally though, he can't really control it, right Mega?"
Mega did a slight eye-roll, but nodded his head yes.
"Okay! Well, it's nice to meet you Mega!" I said.
Mega nodded again, and smiled bigger for a second. He stood up and followed me to the kitchen.
Soon we were all talking and laughing, telling short stories and interrupting another (except for Mega, whom mainly listened and laughed). Eventually, Darryl and Spifey joined us, and I got to meet Zelk(Jacob), and Finnster(I'm just gonna call him Finn).
After we all finished breakfast, a bunch of them went up to their rooms to record, while Zak, Harv and Spifey went to watch some stupid Game-show they were all addicted to. Mega and Darryl stayed in the kitchen to clean up- I'd offered but Darryl insisted they were fine and that I should go unpack. I gratefully accepted, and walked upstairs, down the hallway to my room.
As I was closing the door, I heard Spifey yell from his room, I laughed quietly, and closed the door, beginning my storm of unpacking.

//904 Words\\

Well, that's Chapter 2! Yay, 2 Chapters in one day! Have a good night (or day!) guys! Bai! <3

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