5~//Truth Or Dare\\

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⚠️Art Not Mine- I just saw it and thought it was cute!⚠️

After probably 20 minutes of trying to get everyone to sit down in a circle, I'd achieved progress.
Darryl assisted me, and now we had a bunch of people sitting on couches, chairs, and a few on the floor.
"I like the floor! Leave me alone Y/n!" George huffed, sitting cross-legged on the carpet next to the coffee-table. I rolled my eyes, and leaned further back into the bottom of the sofa-chair Darryl was sitting on.
"Okay everyone! Now that you all stopped yelling about chips and spots-"
"HE was TAKING ALL OF THEM!" Nick scoffed while George giggled.
"Shut up!" I scowled.
"Ooo- feisty!" Clay mocked, and I shot eye-daggers at him.
"Calm down you muffins! Let Y/n speak!" Darryl protested, and I nodded thankfully.
"We're going to play Truth or Dare- because there's nothing else exciting."
"UNO!" Zak screamed from the couch across the room. Spifey groaned, and Harv stared at his cards intensely.
"GUYYYS!" I tried for their attention, failing. "Whatever, they'll just have to figure out what's going on later."
"Okie Dokey- Truth or Dare, George?" Jacob started.
"Truth." George answered.
"Have you ever peed in a pool?" Jacob said, starting off easy.
"Well yeah, duh." We all snickered a bit, and his face became red. "Oh c'mon! You can't say you haven't!"
"Is this 'Never Have I Ever' now?" Clay scoffed.
"Alright Clay, Truth or Dare?" George challenged.
"Dare, because I'm not a coward." Clay grinned and George huffed again.
"I dare you to find the Hot-Sauce in the cupboard, and drink a tablespoon's worth minimum!" George smirked, and Clay's pride shrunk slightly.
"Aww, is Someone not a Hot-Sauce person?" I poked him.
"Shut up Y/n!" We all laughed again, and I got up, dragging Clay to the kitchen.
I grabbed the Hot-Sauce, and got two spoons.
"Together- ready?" I said, both our spoons loaded.
"3..." I started.
"2..." Clay whimpered after me.
"1!" We both shoves the spoons in our mouths, swallowing quickly.
"AHH-" Clay wheezed, running to grab a glass of water. I laughed quietly, my laughs being drowned out by everyone else's uproar. I watched him pityingly, and he soon returned with me to the living room.
Darryl looked at me with concern as I sat down at his feet again. "No water, N/n?" (NickName)
"Nope, I'm good!" You said cheerily. My throat burnt a bit, but I was fine. "Alright Clay, ask someone!"
"Hmmmm... Jacob, Truth or Dare?" He said mysteriously.
"Uhh... truth." He answered him.
"Is there anyone in this room you have feelings for? And you know what KIND of feelings I mean." Clay grinned, me grinning with him. Everyone else went silent, listening carefully.
"May-maybe..." He chokes out quietly. Everyone else started 'Oooing' while me and Clay glances at each other quickly, before looking at Mega.
We both knew what was going on.
After many more rounds of truths, dares, and a lot of laughs, most of us were getting tired. I'd looked at the time, and the clock's hands were nearing midnight.
"Alright guys..." I yawned, stretching my arms. "I'm gonna hit the hay." I got up, and walked to the stairs.
"Wait! Y/n!" I heard someone- I believe Nick- call. I turned around to face them.
"Truth or Dare?" He asked me.
"Do you have a crush on anyone?" A few of the guys smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"No, you Bozo's." I laughed. "But if it counts for anything, when I was... I think twelve, I had a huge crush on PewDiePie." I grinned again, and a bunch of the guys laughed. The only one that didn't was Nick.
I wonder what's up with him... I thought curiously.
"Night Y/n!" Darryl and a few others called. I waved, and then went upstairs.
I was about to close the door of my room behind me, when someone stuck his hand through the gap.
"Whoops- Sorry!" I said, opening up again, facing Nick.
"Oh hey!"
"Hey..." He smiled. We stood there, silent for a second. "Uhh, just wanted to- uhm, say goodnight."
I grinned, slightly confused.
"Goodnight, you slimebucket." I said, punching his shoulder lightly.
"Night N/n." He turned and started walking down the hallway. I closed the door, and put my back against it, sliding down.
What was that all about?
|~| Nick's POV
I rubbed my shoulder where she's punched it- it didn't hurt... but it made me think.
Maybe she really doesn't like me like that...
Like I like her.

//763 Words\\ <3

Well... what do you think?
Okay, I'm going on a four-hour drive somewhere today, so I'm going to try and write on the way. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to though-
Okie baiiiii!

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