4~//Getting The Group\\

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It was around 7-ish, and I was frying myself an egg. I already had some buttered-up toast waiting for me on a Friday late. I flipped the egg, and tuned into Zak and Spifey's argument.
"Wood is a WAY better Bed Defense than Endstone!" Zak screeched at Spifey.
"NO! I always get an axe before anything! Endstone is WAY BETTER!" Spifey defended.
"I always get ALL THE TOOLS, like a GOOD Bedwars player!" Zak scowled sarcastically, while Spifey retorted with some other offensive names.
"Girls, Girls, your both pretty...!" I mocked, putting my egg on my plate. I turned off the oven, and took a seat at the end of the island.
"Y/n, tell ZAK that Wood is a waste of Gold and TIME." Spifey yelled.
"No- Y/n, you need to tell SPIFEY that ENDSTONE IS STUPID!" Zak screeched again.
I sighed, and added my input. "You're both wrong- the best way to go is to RUSH, and put NOTHING around the Bed."
I munched on my toast as they ignored me, and continued to bicker.
As I listened, I just thought about how much personality all of these Youtubers had- their energy, excitement, and inner selves shined through here, but they all were still friends. It made me feel like I was part of something, more than just a shared house.
"Guys!" I said suddenly, an idea hitting me. "GUYS!"
The boys stopped arguing to look at me, rage scribbled all over their faces.
"We should do like, a family night!"
"A what?" The both echoed. I rolled my eyes, and explained.
"We should all hang out tonight, and learn about each other!"
"I already know everything I NEED to know about him- he's an IDOT!" Zak huffed, while Spifey gasped.
"You take that back!"
"YES!" Spifey screeched, and I squeezed my eyes shut, cringing at his high volume.
"Shut up!- You know what, I'm gonna go ask if ANYONE ELSE wants to do this with me!" I grumbled.
I got up, and went upstairs to find the others. Zak and Spifey yelled their sorry, but I knew they didn't really mean it, since they were bickering again in seconds. I didn't really care though.
I turned left instead of right, going down the hallway. There were six doors on this side, and six doors on the other. I believe that Clay, George, Nick, Darryl, Jacob and Mega had their rooms on this side. Everyone else was in my side.
I stopped at the first door and listened- I heard Jacob talking to someone, and the quiet voice of someone else. I knocked, and after a couple seconds, Jacob opened the door.
"Oh hey Y/n!" He said. "Come in!" We both retreated into his room, and I saw Mega sitting on the bed, looking tired.
"Hey Mega...!" I said, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
"Hi-i..." he said quietly, and we both smiled.
"What's up?" Jacob asked, taking a seat next to Mega- right next to Mega. I took note of that.
"Nothing much, I had a question though."
"Shoot." Jacob laughed, then stopped to listen.
"I thought that we should all hang out downstairs together! We can get to know each other better, and gain a better friendship! I'm going to get the rest of us too."
"That-t s-sounds awe-awesome...!" Mega stuttered our excitedly, before Jacob could speak. Jacob looked startled, yet proud.
"Glad you think so!" I smiled even bigger.
"L-let's go Z-Zelk..." Mega stood up, grabbing Jacob's hand to pull him up with him. I watch Mega's cheeks fade to a pink, and I said a quick good-bye so they could sort that out.
I smirked to myself as I walked down the hallway.
I knocked on Clay, George, and Nick's door's and got them all to come out- out of them all, Nick was the most enthusiastic. Clay and George already went downstairs, while Nick stayed with me to get Darryl.
"Thanks for coming with me-"
"No problem!" Nick smiled, while knocking of Darryl's door. It wasn't long before Darryl opened up.
"Hey muffins! What's up?" He said cheerily.
"Hey Bad- were gonna do a household get-together thing, so we can all get to know each other better!" I said.
"That sounds awesome Y/n! Hold on, I'll just be down in a sec!" He said, closing his door again. I looked at Nick, and shrugged, but we just walked downstairs. In the living room, assembled, were Mega, Jacob, Clay, George as expected.
"Hey! Those are my chips!"
"Well too bad!"
"You guys act like children!"
"And YOU don't Zelk?"
Zak and Spifey must've gone upstairs, because they came stomping downstairs with Harv and Finn.
"I call DIBS on the CHAIR!" Finn yelled, jumping on the fluffy couch-chair from behind. Zak, Harv and Spifey squishes each other on one of couches, arguing about who should get up and leave. George and Nick were fighting over a chip bowl, and Clay was wheezing, struggling to stand up straight.
What a bunch of idiots.

//854 Words\\ <3

Hiii! So, I got bored, and now I wrote another chapter. Guess what though- next chapter is going to be iNtErEsTiNg...

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