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So this is going to be a kind of weird chapter, but I'm doing a little perspective from everyone- I hope you guys enjoy!

|~|Dream/Clay's POV|~|

I shifted around in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Every time I wanted to get up I was battered down by another wave of guilty thoughts. It was my fault- It was my fault that Mega couldn't hear out of one ear anymore, my fault that those innocent people in that small SUV were dead. If only I hadn't pushed it-

Stupid road-rage. I grumbled to myself. I need to get up- I hadn't slept all night, now it was six in the morning and I still wasn't sleeping. I groaned to myself aloud, frustrated- there were people in the same house as me that had it much worse, and I was just being a baby.

I dragged myself out of bed, guilt, sorrow, and exhaustion hammering down on the back of my mind. I put up a shield- a wall the best I could, opening the door and walking out into the hallway. Of course, there was no one out- barely a sound coming from the hollow house, but I knew I couldn't be the only one awake. I walked up down the hallway a few steps to arrive at George's door.

He'd been doing a lot of comforting and taking care of us last night- he handles shock differently than the rest of us I guess- maybe that was better though. I knocked on the door lightly, waiting for him to open up.

And he did- I knew that I wasn't the only one awake. "Hey, George..." I said quietly. He half smiled, making an effort and stepped out of the doorway. I walked in, ducking my head subconsciously as I entered the room. I strode past him, making it to his bed, and plopped down in the corner. I sighed, resting my head in my hands.

"What's up...?" He asked hesitantly, leaving the door half open and taking a seat in his gaming-chair. I sighed, before letting it all gush out.

"George, I feel like this is my fault!" I started to ramble. "If I hadn't been such an idiot on the road and got out of his way-" I stopped, sucking in a breath.

"Maybe Mega would be okay... maybe those guys wouldn't be dead." I finished quietly. I looked up and met George's eyes. He looked like he was thinking, probably trying to say something useful. But I knew him too well, he wasn't the best with this pity stuff.

"You don't have to say anything," I said and he nodded slightly. He too, let out a sigh.

"I just- it's kind of hard to believe that this is happening- that this happened..." He trailed off, looking away from me and out his hazy window. It was raining outside, the skies gray and miserable- how coincidental.

"I know... I feel ya." I said, trying my best to think of something as well. It's kind of hard to comfort others when you're in your own, guilty mess. I stood up, walking towards the door. George followed hesitantly before brushing my arm with his hand. I looked back at him, my gaze soft and tired and he met eyes with his. After a second, he hugged my side, hiding his face in my shoulder. I hugged him back, letting out a small sob and rest my head atop of his.

"We'll get through this George," I whispered, rubbing his back to comfort him. I felt him shudder as he let out a quiet sob as well. "We all will."

|~|Sapnap/Nick's POV|~|

I stumbled down the stairs glum and tired- I hoped I wasn't the only one who hadn't slept last night. I made it to the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar from the counter and walking back out. I didn't have much of an appetite, but I still had to eat something.

I heard quiet mumbling coming from the living room and I looked around- I saw Zak, leaned against the window, staring out into the rain. He had his phone to his ear, whispering into it. I let him be, going over to a sofa myself and plopping down into it. I pulled out my phone, subconsciously clicking on Twitter and reading through what had been posted recently. Some fanart, tweets from friends- well, friends that didn't live in our house.

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