20~//Wake-Up Call\\

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Bright morning sun drifted through my eyelids and I blinked awake, looking through hazy eyes. I was facing my nightstand, on it being my lamp, and a tray.

Right, the tray Spifey brought for me.

I remember last night, when he brought me some dinner, knowing I hadn't eaten all day. I'd asked him to stay and talk, and talk we did. I can't remember, but the last time I'd checked the time last night, it had been 1 AM.

But I didn't remember much else- but most importantly for me- who put me to sleep?!

I yawned, and lifted my arms before stopping mid stretch- what did I just touch...

I looked over my shoulder behind me, to see Spifey next to me. He was sitting up, leaned against the headboard of my bed, one of his arms in his lap, the other one around my waist. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away again quickly, in case he woke up or something.

So do I get up, or... I wondered what to do in this awkward situation. What if he wakes up and then it's REALLY awkward!? 

I was contemplating for a solid ten minutes before I decided to atleast check what time it was.

Monday | July 22 | 11:56

I felt like my eyes were going to bulge out of my head- it was noon?! I rarely slept in that long- even if I went to sleep at 3 that night. I then wondered how many people were awake- how many people were wondering why I wasn't awake-

As if I'd summoned them with my thoughts, I heard someone walking outside my door. I placed my phone facedown on the table, and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. I heard whoever it was knock on Spifey's door.

Ha- no answer for you, he's in here with m- I froze mid-thought, remembering that Spifey was in my bed. I was going to get up off my bed, or at least unwrap his arm from my waist, but then whoever that someone was that knocked on Spifey's door knocked on mine.

Is stopped moving again, closing my eyes, trying to act as normal as possible- maybe they wouldn't even come in!

The door cracked open, and whoever it was stepped inside, before letting out a quiet gasp.

Who is it, Who is it, Who is it, Who is it- My brain played on repeat like a broken record- So badly did I want to open my eyes just a smidge to see who it is.

"Oh my god-" It was Vurb- oh thank god it wasn't Nick. I let out a quiet sigh of relief, but Vurb chuckled- great, now he'd getting the wrong idea.

"Vurb, what's going on-" I heard Finn's voice from down the hallway getting obnoxiously shushed.

"Look-" Vurb whisper-giggled. I heard Finn's footsteps come somewhere near where Vurb's had stopped.

"Oh- ha!" Finn laughed quietly- I could feel them staring at me... us. I hoped and prayed that they'd leave, but then something ten times worse happened.

Spifey shifted, then groaned quietly. He must've opened his eyes, because he stopped moving. I felt his arm leave my waist, and relief flooded through me- but there was something else swell; was that sadness? 

No- no, no, no- I scolded myself.

"Listen-" Spifey's voice sounded deeper, more dead. "You saw nothing." I felt the mattress sink closer down by my feet, then lift again- I guess that meant Spifey got up.

"Wouldn't say a word..." Finn giggled.

"Except, like- maybe the whole place is gonna know..." Vurb teased, and Spifey groaned. I heard them all shuffle out of the room, and the the door closed. As soon as it clicked, I opened my eyes and rolled over on the bed, facing the ceiling.

I let out a long held breath, retracing that whole moment. There was only one thing I couldn't get out of my head.

Spifey slept with me.


//644 Words\\ <3

Heyyy- sorry I didn't update for a few days- I was writing a few things for my OneShots book (if you still haven't looked at it- CHECK IT OUT! :D)

Anyways, here you are- I know its short.

Also, expect less updates- First day of school is tomorrow, and I'm hyped and dreading it at the same time. 

Love you dudes and dudettes! <3


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