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Warning: Swearing

I almost immediately regretted coming downstairs for coffee.

I stumbled downtime stairs, still in my baggy pair of sweatpants and a sweater I called my PJ's. I was only half awake, but I decided that today was the day I should stop hiding in my room.

I'd completely forgotten about the catastrophe from last night- only remembering half-way down the stairs. I considered just turning around and going upstairs, but I pushed myself to be brave- they're my friends, it'll be fine.


The second strike, that made me REALLY wish I'd turned around was when I saw Finn and Vurb whispering to everyone around the kitchen island, smirking and laughing. In my gut I knew who they were talking about.

"Hey Sydney~" Jacob's voice echoed from the kitchen- I could already hear the tease.

"Hey Jacob..." I said as calmly as possible, approaching the kitchen. There weren't too many people- just Finn, Jacob, Vurb, Mega and Harvey. I swear I heard Spifey come downstairs as well, but in the end, maybe it was better he wasn't down here.

Time to clear up your name- our names. I thought to myself, preparing for a massive explanation. I sat down at the island, trying to keep a neutral smile on my face.

"Sooo... how'd you sleep?" Harvey laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Vurb, you really weren't kidding when you said you were going to tell the whole house were you?" I joked.

"Nahh, way too much good gossip." Vurb admitted, and everyone laughed. My laugh was more quiet though- more fake. There was back and further banter- teasing questions and remarks, and I just bounced everything away like a shield. I was doing this for me, and Spifey's own good.

"Lemme guess, you guys were listening to slow songs the whole night?" Finn prodded.

"And then- poof! You were asleep on his shoulder?" Vurb continued, and the two laughed at their improvised Fanfiction.

"Oh come on guys- nothing happened! He just brought me up some food and then I asked him to stay-" The kitchen erupted with Ooo's and I groaned, internally facepalming- now look what I caused.

"You asked him to stay huh?" Harvey asked, wigging his eyebrows.

"You guys are the fucking worst-"

"HE ADMITTED HIS FEELINGS DIDN'T HE-" Finn exploded, and they all started laughing again. I didn't even bother this time though.

"Guys, actually stop- seriously!"

"Spif-Y/n?" They were creating ship names- great. I don't even know who said that, all their voices were just merging together in my panic-filled mind. How do I get them to stop, how do I get them to stop?!

"Ge-orge and Y/n, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-"

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled, as the tears started to roll down my cheeks. I pushed back in the barstool chair, and stormed out of the kitchen to go up the stairs. The tears were starting to fall so fast it felt like they were clogging up my ears. I could barely hear them calling my name, barely could see a foot in front of me.

I stepped onto the 2nd floor, expecting another step and lifted my foot higher than needed. With the landing being lower than I though, panic filled my brain and I fell over, unbalanced.

Not again, not again, not again- Was all my brain was echoing. I dint want to be in the hospital again, didn't want to be alone, didn't want to be pitied. I curled up in a ball on the floor, my messy mop of hair covering my face. I let out quiet sobs, tiredness and stress overwhelming me.

My breathing was rapid and unchartable- I was taking big breaths and small breaths, I couldn't find the right medium. My cheeks were numb- I couldn't feel the tears anymore. I stared through my thick strands of hair down the hallway I never went down. I tried to steady my breathing, but everything wrong was zooming around my mind in loops.

Spifey; Failure; Broken; Nick; Spifey; I don't love him; I don't love him; I think I might love him- My vision started to blur, and I noticed I couldn't feel anything. All I could remember is this was how I felt on that day at the beach- I didn't want to be broken again. I felt my head being lifted, being set down on someone's lap.

"Sp-Sp-Spifey-" I stuttered out, I didn't know who else it could be.

"N-no. It's okay Y/n, don't worry. I've got you." Some voice told me, but I was too far away, too far away to know who it was. I mumbled out some nonsense, and then everything in my vision went dark. I could hear the quiet murmur of voices- no they sounded like they were yelling- where are they? Where am I?

I listened to the sounds of the real world simmer further and further away, until I heard nothing. I felt nothing. I saw nothing. Then everything stopped, and my conscious along with it.


//811 Words\\ <3

Bro, who was it? I want to know- oh wait I do know. Haha, u don't. >:3

Can't wait to write more!


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