16~//Back Where I Belong\\

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I stuffed my phone into the small front pocket of my backpack, spinning rapidly to rush to Darryl's side. I jumped on him, sliding away and excitedly nudging him to start walking.

"Woah- calm down you muffin!" Darryl laughed, and follow me out of my room. I breathed in the hallway's air, and huffed it back out quickly- It still smelt just as bad as the air in my room. I practically skipped down the hallway to the large, imposing elevator- but it wasn't very imposing to me. No, this elevator was the gateway to my freedom.

"Y/n! Slow down!" Darryl called, but I just shook my head, and clicked the elevator's 'Down' button.

"No- you hurry up!" I giggled, and Darryl huffed as he got to my side.

"Just please, slow down a bit- you haven't been walking recently!"

"I'll be fi-" I started to assure Darryl, but my shoe's heel caught on the floor of the sliding, mechanical door, and I tumbled backwards onto the platform of the elevator. I winced, and grabbed Darryl's hand, which was held out to me. He pulled me up, and tried to pat my head, but I ducked away snickering again.

"Thank goodness there aren't other people in this elevator..." Darryl muttered, and I just giggled again.

"ThAnk gOoDnEsS~" I mocked, and Darryl just rolled back his shoulders, sighing.

"You're acting like a kid, Y/n." He lectured, and jumped as the elevator halted at the Main Floor. The doors slid open, and I pushed past him, pursuing to skip down the hallway. I could see the clear doors leading outside, and sped up again, weaving through groups of people. I assumed the only reason Darryl didn't call for me is because there were so many other people.

I slid to a stop in front of the doors, and pulled the metal handle- down and out. As the glass swung open, fresh air hit me in a comforting waved, and I jumped outside. Walking to the curb of the sidewalk, I held my right wrist out in-front of myself, glaring playfully at the teal, paper cuff around my wrist. I used my left hand gently, to grab the cuff's end, and ripped off the paper.

"Freedom!" I cheered loudly, and Darryl shushed me as he walked out the doors. I looked back at him, to see him grinning as widely as I was. He put his hand on my back, leading me to his car. As soon as I caught sight of it, I dashed forwards, looking to claim the front seat- only to be surprised by, well, a nice surprise.

"Zak!" I squeaked, running up to the short guy standing next to the door.

"Hey N/n!" He grinned, and pulled me into a hug I gladly returned. Oh, it felt so good to be hugging my friends again!

"You've been like almost 2 weeks in that hospital-" Zak started, stopping in the middle of his sentence. I backed up, raising an eyebrow at him. "I- uh- I forgot what I was gonna say-"

I laughed, and hugged him quickly again. Cheekily, I stepped around him, reaching for the door handle, but Zak pushed my hand away. I glared at him playfully, and he giggled, opening the door and then sliding into his seat.

"No fair Zak!" I yelped, attempting to cross my arms- it wasn't very easy though, when one was in a giant cast. Zak just stuck his tongue out at me, and slammed the door shut. He rolled down his window, making faces at me.

Darryl slid into the drivers seat, and glanced at Zak, pursuing to roll his eyes.

"Zak, leave the poor muffin alone- and Y/n, please get in the car!"

"Yes Dad." I groaned mockingly, grinning afterwards. Zak started to giggle, and I drowned out his persistent laughing by opening the SUV's door. I slid into the seat, careful not to hit my left arm on anything, and then slammed the door shut as well.

Bvrmmmmmm... The cars engine started, and Darryl buckled in his seatbelt, putting his hands on the wheel.

"Everyone's got their seatbelt on?" He asked. I clicked mine in, exclaiming "Yep!"

Zak guiltily reached across himself for the polyester strap, and clicked it in as well.

"Yeppers..." He said, grinning. Darryl rolled his eyes, but continued to smile as well.

"Then off we gooo!"


I collapsed onto my bed, sighing happily but tiredly. We'd made it home- and gosh, was it ever nice to come home to everyone waiting. Clay, George and Nick had laid off a bit on my Home-coming, letting everyone else say hello. 

It was so nice to see Jacob and Mega- and poor Mega was constantly insisting he was sorry. He took me much to long to convince him that what had happened wasn't his fault, and that all was well now. Seeing him smile and hug me felt great though, and I knew that we'd made progress.

Harvey and Finn said their hello's and gave their hugs- and I got to meet Vurb!

"Oh! Y/n, this is JustVurb, or Arran!" Finn had introduced him excitedly, and I remembered smirking internally. I'd held out my good hand, and Arran shook it.

"Nice to meet you Vurb- or Arran, whatever you prefer!" I'd said calmly, and he chuckled.

"Whatever works better for you." He said, laid-back. I liked him already- he wasn't seemingly as hyper as the rest of us were, but that just might be from Jet-lag.

I blinked slowly, yawning widely and changed into my Pajamas. I left my cloths in a heap on the floor, too lazy to fold them and put them back where they belonged. I'd unpack all the other clothes and things  my friends had brought me tomorrow aswell.

I plopped back onto my bed, and reached for my phone, which was plugged into its charger on my nightstand. I read all my Twitter notifications, and I was about to unlock my phone, when Darryl's words rung in my head.

"You should go to sleep- you've had a long day." He'd said caringly, and I smiled, hugging him gently.

"Thanks for looking out for me." I'd said, leaning away and punching him little on the shoulder. He'd smiled sheepishly, and ushered me upstairs.

I put my phone back on my nightstand, face down, and turned myself in bed, so I was now positioned correctly. I yawned again, and realized that I really was tired.

And slowly, my eyes started to take a longer time opening after a blink, and eventually, they didn't open at all. My breathing slowed down to a normal, steady pace, and I all I remember thinking about was that Spifey hadn't come down to say hello at all.


//1094 Words\\ <3

Yayyyy- she's back home! But a little bit of a sob ending, oh well. I'll be writing tomorrow again- oh, and yeah-



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