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//Warning: A Tiny Bit Of Cursing\\

I step away from Mega's door, and knock on Nick's. He answers it almost immediately, pulling the door away.
"Hey! What did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Hey... uhh, wanna come in?" Nick answered, scratching the back of his neck subconsciously.
"Yeah, sure!" I walk in past him, and he leaves the door open just a crack.
I sit down in his gaming chair, and he sits on the bed.
"Listen, Y/n. There's been something I need to tell you about..."
"Oh- like why your avoiding me?" I question. He winces, but nods.
"Y/n.... I- I-"
Zak and Darryl burst through the door, scaring me and Nick equally.
"Did you tell her?!" Zak screeches. I cringe at his high-pitches voice, but then filter what he said.
"Tell me what?" I ask. Darryl's eye's widen, and he grabs Zak's shoulders, dragging him out of the room. Zak complaints can be heard all the way down the hallway.
I look back over to see Nick, smiling awkwardly.
"What is going on?" I squeak.
"Y/n, I think I'm in love with you!"
In love with me...?
"Y/n- Ohmygod- Shit, I just said that out-loud, didn't I?" Nick said. He looked at me, and I looked at him. He stared at me for a second, before looking down.
"Fuck- I just messed it all up..." I heard him mumble. I needed to do something-
And before I knew what I was doing, I'd gotten up and hugged him. I felt him tense in my bear-hug, but then relax, and he wrapped his arms around me too.
"Nick....." I say quietly. I let go, looking him in the eye. "Nick, you're an amazing friend."
I watch his face crumble, but I continue.
"So amazing, that it would hurt to lose you like that- Nick, I just never saw you like that! I really love you- as a friend, and after the couple years we've been playing together, I'd like to call you my best-friend! I just- I'm rambling aren't I?!-"
Nick stopped me, but kneeling down off his bed, hugging me.
"I get it." He said quietly. We just sat there for a bit, hugging each other. I rested my head on his shoulder, thinking to myself.
He's one of my best friends, I can't lose him! It would break me- and him- Ah, I just don't know what to say.
He let go, to my disappointment. I looked him in the eye, deciding what I should say.
"Nick, you really are one of my best friends." I smiled at him, and he smiled back weakly. "And maybe- one day, we can be more than that."
He smiled a bit bigger, and grabbed me into a hug again, this time squishing me.
"It's a deal." I laughed through his arms, and breathed in his smell for a second. It felt good, to be hugged.
"Okayyy- We can't even be best friends if I stop breathing you know!" I coughed out.
"Oh, sorry!" He let me go again, and then we were both laughing.
It really did feel good, laughing with him.
My best friend.
I would let anything change that to make it worse.
Only to the future.... maybe better.

//552 Words\\ <3

Yessss- friend-fluff!
Okay, so like, if anyone reads this, I'd like you to tell me in the comments, whether throughout this book
Sapnap x Reader should happen!
Yeah, okay.
Imma eat somethin' now-

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