8~//Stream Team\\

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"Hey guys! Welcome back to another Stream!" I chortled into my Mic. I saw the stream chat explode with 'Hellos' and all while I ran through my system. "If your subscribed to some of my YouTube friends, you'll see a bunch of us are Streaming today!"
I clicked on to a Discord call, and I was greeted by a lot of yelling, conversing, and George's high-pitches screams.
"C'mere George!" Dream cheerily yelled.
"Hey guys." I said flatly.
"Heyyy." An equally monotone voice echoed back.
"Techno!" I squawked, excitement creeping into my voice.
"Y/u!" He said, copying my excited voice.
"Stop it." I said flatly again.
"Stop i- okay fine I'll stop."
I giggled, and looked to see who was in the call. Absent-mindedly, I read out their names.
"I'm joined by Technoblade, Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap-"
"Hey!" Nick interrupted me, and I laughed.
"Shut up- Mega, TapL, Zelk, Spifey and Finnster."
The last four echoed a hello too, and Spifey added, "Skep and Bad would've joined us, but they have an event scheduled today."
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Yes Daaad." Clay mocked, and I heard Harvey groan.
"We're play BEDWARS!" I cheered.
"Wait what- I thought we were playing Skywars..." Techno whined.
"Nope!" Spifey said, just as cheery as me.
I sent party invites to everyone, and they all joined my party.
"Now, let's arrange teams before this turns chaotic-"
"I CALL MEGA!" Zelk screeched.
You can't 'call' me. Mega typed in party chat.
But fine, I'll team with Zelk.
"Ooo-" I could see Clay's smirk through his voice.
"Not the time- I'm with TapL!" Finn shouted as well. Soon, everyone was calling Teammates. I ended up with Spifey.
"Okay, we got this!" I cheered, as we spawned into the game. I pressed down my 'S' key, walking back into the hen, and opened up the player list.
"Dream and George..." I mumbled. "Sapnap and Techno..."
"GREEN INCOMING!" Spifey screeched suddenly, scaring me and several others in the call.
"What the fu-" George started, but he was drowned out by Nick's laughing.
"Y/U!" Spifey screamed again, and I rushed away from the Shopkeeper with a stone sword. I looked to see a messy bed Defense, along with Spifey's flat bridge to the Diamond Gen.
"SPIFEY YOU FLAT BRIDGED! YOU IDIOT!" My yelling was accompanied by the whining of Finn.
"Mega PLEASE-"
| F1NN5TER was knocked into the void by MegaPvP.
| MegaPvP was killed by TapL.
"DREEEEEEEAM!" George screamed.
| Yellow Bed was memed by Technoblade.
| Georgenotfound was knocked into the void by Sapnap. Final Kill!
| Sapnap was stomped by Dream.
| Technoblade was stomped by Dream.
"You only won because I took fall damage." Techno said, monotone as usual.
"Ha!" I laughed into my mic.
"Shut UP Y/u!" George whined. "You know what, next round, your gonna be the first team out!" Laughter echoed through the call again, causing the volume to explode.
"I call dibs on NOT teaming with Y/u!" TapL scoffed, and I huffed sarcastically. Suddenly, a blur of black and white zoomed across my screened, hitting me off the edge of our island.
"What- how-" I shouted. "SPIFEY GET BACK TO BASE!"
| Y/u was knocked into the void by Sapnap.
"SAPNAP!" I screeched, over his laughing.
| Blue Bed was destroyed by Sapnap.
| Red Bed was destroyed by Dream.
"Nooooo!" Zelk cries out- his death message appearing in chat seconds later.
| Dream was thrown to the void by MegaPvP. Final Kill!
| Yellow Team has been Eliminated.
"Yes Mega!" Me and Zelk both cheered.
You have |Respawned|
| Spifey fell into the void. Final Kill!
"SPIFEY!" I yelled. I cowered back inside my base, knowing that Nick was outside, waiting.
| Grey Bed was destroyed by MegaPvP.
| MegaPvP was killed by TapL.
"Oooo!" Clay crowed, watching the game intently.
"Y/u is alive, no teammate, no bed. Sapnap and Techno are alive, with a bed. TapL and Finn-" Zelk narrated, but was interrupted by a chat message.
| F1nn5ter fell into the void. Final Kill!
"Nevermind- now it's just TapL." Spifey laughed while Finn raged from his side, and TapL just groaned. I chuckled, hiding inside my base still, stacking up on gear.
"You should stop laughing Y/u. I'm still here." Sapnap pressured me, and I grinned.
"I thought you said you liked my laugh?"
The call erupted with 'Ooo's and I checked my stream chat to see the same thing.
"Shut up and let me kill you." Sapnap mumbled, jumping down from my bases roof. He's regret that though, since I now had the upper hand- he'd taken fall-damage.
I combo'ed him with a few hits, before he got one on me, but I swerved around him quickly, hitting him from the back.
| Sapnap was roasted by Y/u.
"Good one Y/n, I watched that." Clay congratulated me, and I grinned.
"Why thank you!"
I turned my character around, and ran back into the gen to collect some resources. When I spun again, I was faced by a pig.
"GETTER' TECHNO!" Nick cheered while Techno hit me around. I said some random jibberish in attempt to boost myself, but I failed.
| Y/u was memed by Technoblade.
"Noooo!" Me and Spifey whined at the same time. We both stopped, quiet for a moment, and then most of the call burst into laughter.

//905 Words\\ <3

Ayyyy- that was fun.
Reminds me, if anyone wants to play Minecraft sometime, just say sooo!

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