19~//It'll Be Okay\\

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|~|POV Of Nick/Sapnap|~|

The movies credits started to roll, and the room drained instantly. I yawned, stretching my arms, before looking around at the disarranged living room. Very few of us were awake; only myself, Clay, Vurb and Spifey.


Spifey, the guy who also obviously liked Y/n. Spifey, the guy everyone was shipping with Y/n. Spifey, the guy Y/n was hanging out with all the time; the one she whispered to, and he giggled with her afterwards; the one that she spent all her time around when she wasn't in her room.

Man, did he ever get on my nerves.

And even now, she was sound asleep- ever since before the movie started- her head on his shoulder, smiling peacefully. He had his right arm around her back, his head resting atop of hers, watching the names roll down the screen.

My jealousy exploded in my chest when he glanced down at her, and smiled, his pink cheeks exposed by the light of the TV. I could look at any other couple in this room- Mega, asleep on Jacob's lap; Finn, who was also asleep on Vurb's shoulder; Darryl, who kept glancing over at a knocked-out out Zak, blushing.

They all seem to get it to work out.... why not me? 


|~|POV Of Y/N|~|

The rest of the week went by in a flash. I spent most of my days cooped up in my room, recording, editing and streaming. I typically was missing breakfast and lunch, just having a bunch of coffee and tea throughout the day. I only went downstairs for a quick dinner, collapsed in my bed, and slept till 4 AM, where I woke up and repeated the same, long day.

I read the time on the top right corner of my computer, my vision blurry from staring at a screen for so long.

Sunday | July 21 | 7:19 PM

I blinked at the time, wondering whether it was really already evening, or whether my monitor had just lagged out from being used so much. I flipped over my phone, to see the same time staring me back into the face.

I haven't even had coffee today... I mused internally. I took a second to stop thinking about all the work I had to finish up and try to feel inside myself. All I felt was really hungry.

I rolled back in my chair, snatching my sling off the corner of my desk and attaching it over my shoulder, around my arm. I stood up, and my legs felt weak and numb for a second, before the sensation of pins-and-needles kicked in. I winced, every cell going through my bloodstreams hurting me.

After a minute of enduring pain, I felt the phenomenon stop, and I strutted over to my door, opening it. I could hear murmuring coming from downstairs, and I remember that it was dinner time- a lot of us tried to be down at this time; it was the bare minimum of social-interaction we all lacked.

I closed my door, and started walking down the hallway before pausing- should I check on Spifey?

My sub-conscious made the design for me, and I knocked on Spifey's scratched-up door. I heard shuffling and the wheels of a chair squeaking, and seconds later the door opened, and I was looking up at Spifey.

Hmph, no fair.

"Hey!" I said, leaning on his doorframe. "Are you coming down for dinner?"

"It's dinner time?" He asked, genuinely confused. I laughed, and grabbed his forearm, pulling him out of his room.

"Yes, it's dinner time- and I'm assuming you haven't eaten all day, like me." I chattered as I pulled Spifey down the hallway for the first time today.

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