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I waded through the water, listening to it lap against the shore only a few feet to my left. I was walking in knee-deep water, the waves reaching up for my waist every few seconds. I blinked slowly, breathing in the salty air.

I could hear someone yelling behind me. The splashing had faded, and now all I could hear was distant chatter. And the waves. The calming, cold water. It was sweeping up the shore, further and further.

"Y/n!" I heard someone yell again, this time more distinct. I took notice to my name, and turned around. Spifey was doing his best to run through the water, but he was slow. Oh boy, did he ever look stupid.

"Spifey." I smiled, and stopped, waiting for him. He caught up, slightly panting.

"Did you know it's surprisingly hard to run through water?" He laughed. I just nodded, and started walking again. He walked beside me, his hands in his pockets. We were quiet for a bit, just listening to the waves- or at least I was.

"You okay? You seem.... quiet." He stated. I blinked slowly again, and looked out to where the water met the horizon.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am."

Spifey shifted, and I felt his arm wrap around my neck gently, shaking me. "Way to be cheesy." I laughed, and he let go. I gave him a light shove, which in the end did nothing. He shoved me back, but I wasn't prepared, and I toppled over into the water.

"SPIFEY!" I sputtered, sitting up. My hair was dropped over my face, so I swiped it aside, glaring at him. He was laughing, and it looked like he was about to fall over too. I rolled my eyes, got up and shoved him in as well. He gasped as he hit the freezing cold water, and then I started to laughing. Suddenly I felt a pull on my ankle, and I was down in the water again, shivering. Spifey was looking at me, trying not to laugh.

"Look at yourself, mister!" And we both burst out laughing.


"Yeah, well your like 6'4, no wonder you can knock me over." I countered against Spifey, and Harvey started to laugh. I shivered slightly, and rubbed my arms to give them warmth.

We had changed out of our bathing suites, taking turns in the car. But since I'd forgotten a sweater, now I was freezing. It was nearing One O'Clock, and the wind had started to pick up. 

The rain was on its way.

"I mean, Y/n, you are kinda tiny." Harvey finally managed to speak, his laughing fit ended.

"I'm not! I explained this to Techno- I'm taller then the average woman!"

"Not the average man-" Spifey teased.

"Your literally an over-grown BEAVER." I mumbled. But Spifey must've heard me, because he countered.

"And you're a D+ Student."

Harvey and Spifey laughed, and I laughed quietly with them, but it wasn't a real laugh. I'd remembered my struggling in school. I'd told Zak once, but he'd promised he wouldn't tell.

People break promises. A voice inside me whispered.

I stared out to the ocean blankly, memories flooding back- and suddenly, my mother appeared.

"You're NOTHING like your sister/brother!"

"Why can't you be better?!"

"She/He got accepted into one of the top Universities- you want me to care about your 78 Subscribers?!"


The loud echo of skin against skin echoed in my head. I winced, remembering the torment I'd faced to get to where I was.

"You got money- from where? Your job at McDonald's!" I heard my brother/sister's laugh ring through my head. I had nothing- no one.

No. I deserve to be here. I worked to be here- nothing can change that.

"Y/n? Y/n, it was just a joke, you don't have to take it seriously." I saw Spifey's hand waving in front of me. I turned to see Harvey still chuckling, and Spifey grinned, like he thought something was funny.

Of course they think it's funny.

"You know Spifey, not everyone had it easy in life." I snarked, the words pouring out without me knowing. "Not everyone was supported by their families. Not everyone was told, 'Good job for 100 Subscribers! 1,000 Subscribers! 10,000 Subscribers!' " I just exploded, all my past anger and sorrow and pain risen up again.

"Woah- Y/n, I'm sorry- I didn't know-" I interrupted Spifey mid apology.

"That's right- you didn't know!" I hissed. "So next time, think about what you say!"

I stomped off, away from him, away from everyone. Before I knew it, my toe was stubbed on a white, speckled rock. I looked down, kicking the rocking, only causing my toe to throb more. I cursed under my breath, but kept going.

I was jumping, rock to rock, across the shore. The stones were growing bigger- into plateaus of rock, granite and many other types of earth.

But you don't remember them, because you were a failure. I fought myself, driving harder towards somewhere I couldn't return from. I subconsciously wiped my face with my arm, cleansing my cheeks of tears.

Crying. Like a Baby. S/n (Siblings Name) didn't cry. I told myself, trying to stop the welling tears from my face. I glanced up to see myself approaching a steep incline of rocks. I hoped at the top I could hide myself- no one can see me like this.

I started clambering up the rocks, a few slipping away as I brushed near them. Every clatter and leaf sent me into frenzy, looking for who could be watching me. I looked up again- almost there.

Safe spot. Safe space. Almost Safe. Safe. My thoughts echoed through my head. 

And suddenly, all the noise disappeared.

The Birds stopped chirping.

The wind stopped whistling.

The waves stopped crashing.

I'd rushed to the top, breathing heavily.

Then I was stopped. I watched Mega stumbled backwards, Jacob catching him.

I felt myself stumbled too- and when my foot didn't catch anything below me, I knew I'd messed up.

And then I hit- and all of it snapped to black.


//976 Words\\ <3

So, I've never written anything like this before.... I hope it made sense!

Another chapter will, hopefully, be coming out in an hour or two! (Three Updates in one day?!)

Love you guys! <3


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