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Enjoy the chapter!! And Rey in father mode!!


Author's POV

Singhania Mansion

It was morning and Rey was working out in his room, he has a gym but he did not want to leave Ansh alone. His small baby was sleeping peacefully in the middle of the bed. Completing his work-out session he went towards the washroom to take a shower as he knew it was still time until Ansh wakes up for the day.

He quickly completed getting ready for the office and came out to look at his baby, who was now waking up rubbing his eyes slowly. His lips automatically curved into a big smile, whatever his mood be or however his day went, one look at this little bundle of joy and he forgets all his problems.

Rey never knew he would love someone so much.

He saw Ansh opening his big round eyes and looking around the room searching for him, he walked towards the bed and as soon as Ansh saw his father, he started throwing his hands and legs in the air making small sounds, Rey chuckled and picked him up in his arms and Ansh immediately cuddled closer to him,

"My baby is awake."

He looked at Ansh's face, kissing his forehead he rubbed both their noses together making the baby giggle and laugh throwing his hands in the air. Rey always felt thankful that Ansh was such a happy and active child, may be it was because Avantika had experience with kids and she took care of him and also guided Rey through out. It's true that kids should always have the shade of grandparents in their lives, it makes them more happy, blessed and prosperous.

Rey looked at him who was now playing with his tie, almost ruining it's ironed state. He shook his head at his naughty little one, before putting his lips on Ansh's stomach and burping making the baby feel ticklish and laugh loud.

Ansh happily caught his face in his hands, and started tracing it, running his small fingers all over Rey's face making him feel like he was in heaven. Ansh leaned forward as if he knew his father was in pain and put his lips on Rey's eyes. His eyes closed automatically at his baby's affection. It literally took away his despair and hopelessness.

Rey looked at Ansh and said,

"Dadda loves you meri jaan."

Though Ansh can't speak but he reciprocated by opening his baby lips in 'O' shape and cupping Rey's cheek, making Rey chuckle. He laughed wiping his tears and said tickling him,

"Let's get my baby ready!"

Saying that he took Ansh towards the washroom where his small bathtub was ready with some bubbles in it and a lot of toys. Rey gave him a bath continuously supporting his body with his hand so that he doesn't fall on his back.

After the bath was done he quickly wrapped his small soft body in a fluffy towel and changed his clothes so that he doesn't catch cold. After taking care of him for ten months now Rey knew some of the works well which included making Ansh sleep and eat along with burp and giving him bath.

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