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A chapter filled with TaaReyAnsh...........

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Author's POV

Two days later (@ 8 pm)

Singhania Mansion

Rey was pacing inside the room with Ansh in his arms who was continuously crying. He was trying really hard to console him but the little baby was not stopping at all. Even his parents were out of town at some relatives home and he was alone at home with Ansh.

Although Ansh has been like this once before, when he was some six months old, but that time Avantika was there to look after him however Rey didn't knew what he should do for him

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Although Ansh has been like this once before, when he was some six months old, but that time Avantika was there to look after him however Rey didn't knew what he should do for him. He even tried to put him to sleep, tried to feed him but he was just crying. Rey was feeling so helpless seeing his baby crying like this. He was wailing loudly and his heart was breaking seeing him like this.

Rey even tried to give Taani's dupatta again to Ansh hoping he would stop crying but he didn't. Now he was sure, the matter was something else, on any other day Ansh would have grabbed it in a second, so without a thought he picked up his phone to call the person that came in his mind at the moment, not even caring about the time.

Here Taani was having her dinner with Swaron and chatting when her phone rang, she picked it up seeing the caller id, someone said something from the other side and the next second she got up from the table, picked her car keys and rushed out of the house not caring about anyone. Swayam called out behind her,

"Taani! Wait a minute! Where are you going?"

She looked behind for a second,

"Bhai it's urgent, don't worry will be back soon."

Saying that she rushed out and sitting in her car drove off at a high speed, she was damn worried and was continuously tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. Soon she reached her destination, parking the car in patio and giving the keys to the driver she rang the bell in urgency. Soon a butler opened the door for her and she asked in hurry,

"Where is Ansh?"

The butler answered her instantly,

"He is with Rey sir in his room."

Taani nodded at him and quickly ascending the staircase went to his room, whens he got a call from Rey stating that Ansh was constantly crying and was not even eating or sleeping she couldn't control herself from just reaching to him urgently, she entered the room without knocking, shocking Rey who was carrying Ansh in his arms.

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