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The whole chapter in Swayam's POV



Swayam's POV

I was alone at home while Sharon had extra classes at the academy and taani was at Rey's house so I decided to prepare some delicious food for both my lovely ladies. It's been a long time since I gave both of them a surprize so I was preparing a lavish dinner for my beautiful amazing wife and my darling sister when the doorbell rang. Wiping my hands with the kitchen towel I went towards the door and opened it only to see my little sister, standing on the door looking hurt and broken while tears fell from her eyes.

She looked in pain and just muttered,


And came crashing in my arms, hugging me tightly through my waist. I didn't knew what to say, I was bewildered, wasn't she at Rey's house with Ansh. Did something happen there?

I couldn't understand anything while she was sobbing loudly clutching my shirt, my heart pained as if someone was stabbing me with knives seeing her crying like a baby which needs protection from the outside world. So I quickly cocooned her in my arms trying to shush her,

"Taani! Baccha chup. Shh bas karo."

She was crying really hard while I tried to calm her down by patting her hairs lightly. My clothes were now wet from the shoudlers because of her tears, she was crying so much. That's when I realised she needed to let her pain out, so remaining quite I took her in her room still holding her close to me. I sat on the bed with her while she continued crying for a long long time. Those few hours were the most difficlut one for me, having my baby sister, my world crying like that in my arms brought tears in my eyes too.

I let her cry till she could and when she finally stopped I separated our frames a little bit, but still hugging her,

"Shh, done bachha? Wanna cry more or you wanna talk about it?"

She looked at me with those doe eyes of hers which were filled with tears. I swear I wanted to kill the person who made her cry like this. Blinking her eyes lightly, just like a cute innocent baby she said,

"I don't know! I don't know anything bhai. Pata nahi mujhe kya hua hai, kis baat ka bura laga hai? Iss baat ka ki Rey ne mujhe fir sabke samne reject kardiya ya fir vo mujhe Ansh se door karna chahte hain"

I was in a mixed state of mind hearing her, first I was shocked and then confused about what happened at the Singhania mansion, and how the hell did Rey reject Taani? Did she propose to him again or is it something else. I held her arms and asked her in a soft voice,

"Bachha, pehle to tum rona band karo. Haan chalo chup ho jao." She calmed herself a little down after that, I continued speaking, "or ab batao kya hua?"

Taani looked at me and started narrating whatever happened at the Singhania mansion, everything from Avantika's words till Rey's rejection. I was listening to this calmly, but inside felt torn because I knew nobody was wrong in this situation, I knew why my sister felt bad, because she still loves Rey and now Ansh too, thus Rey's rejection had hurt her, but I knew why Rey was not ready to marry anyone. My best friend had started hating the institution of love and marriage and as much as I know Rey, he won't do something to destroy another girl's life by marrying her until he is sure that he can give his 100% in the relation. And specially with Taani! I knew that Rey would protect my little sister with his life, I have that undying trust in my best friend.

But now I am in a dilemma because I can't pick sides at the moment when both of them are right at their place, thus I decided to talk to Rey later and till then take care of Taani. So I held her softly saying,

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