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Author's POV

The party ended soon and all the guests left along with the gang and Swayam's parents. Rey was still in shock and all the while was just thinking about who would tell her the truth. Since the moment their dance ended he was just looking for an opportunity to talk to her but she didn't even spare him a glance and was around the gang whole time to avoid him as much as possible. Her words were still ringing in his ears along with her venomous tone, he had never heard her speaking in that tone ever.

Taani retired early to their room to make Ash sleep but he was downstairs with the gang wishing they would leave soon so that he could talk to her in peace and make her understand, suddenly the thought of her knowing the truth and an unknown fear about her reaction settled in him.

As soon as the gang left, he climbed the stairs not even sparing a glance at his parents who were amused seeing his behaviour, then smiled and shrugged it off thinking he must be going to Taani in so much of hurry. He entered the room and saw Taani sitting on the bed with Ansh lying beside her, she was making him sleep. Impatiently, he walked towards her not before closing the door and said hurriedly,

"Taani, please listen to m....."

She looked at him startled before standing with a jerk and shushing him keeping a finger on his lips, he stoned immediately feeling the soft touch on his lips while she worriedly glanced at Ansh to see if he woke up with his sudden noice or not and then sighed seeing him sleeping peacefully. He looked in the same direction as hers and found his baby slepping forgetting everything in this world and realised why she made him shut his mouth. She again looked at him before her gaze went to her finger, he was gazing at her intently. She took her hand back with a jerk, Rey didn't like it a bit, she being so distant from him and so nervous around him didn't settle well with him. He was going to say something again when without giving him a chance she went in the wardrobe to change her clothes. Taking her clothes she went inside the bathroom leaving him standing there. He sighed before taking his own clothes and changing in the wardrobe. When he came back in the room she was already sleeping on her side of the bed embracing Ansh's little figure in her arms. He sighed helplessly before saying in a whisper,

"I am sorry Taani. Please give me a chance to explain atleast."

He laid beside Ansh and embraced him just like her and fall asleep when tiredness took over him.


The Next Day

Rey woke up in the morning with sound of bangles, he frowned slightly before opening his eyes lazily. The first sight he saw in the morning was taani getting ready in front of the mirror, she wore a black saree and she looked gorgeous.

 The first sight he saw in the morning was taani getting ready in front of the mirror, she wore a black saree and she looked gorgeous

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