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Author's POV

One week later

"Ansh, Angels, Taani jaldi aao."

Rey said passing their luggage to the house help and smiling at Kritika, Riya and Avinash who came to see off Taani and the girls.

It's been a week since all of them finally united and since then ReyAn shifted to the house to live with the trio

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It's been a week since all of them finally united and since then ReyAn shifted to the house to live with the trio. There was still awkwardness between Taarey when they were alone but the kids jelled up as if they knew each other since many lives. Of course they shared blood relation, may be that's why they didn't take time to accept each other.

Ansh was already the elder brother who is protective and both the girls were always listening to everything he say, surprisingly even Ruhika was following his every word too like a good girl along with Rey's. The girls were in no time ReyAn's little angels being pampered by them.

In this time Rey informed his parents at home too about Taani and the kids, they were so happy to hear the news and informed D3 team and since then they were waiting for them to return. In fact it literally took all of Sharon's power to stop Swayam from taking the next flight to Coorg assuring him that Rey is bringing her. Moreover his parents and friends were damn excited to meet the little munchkins too, eager to get to know the twins.

Here Taani finally told Kritika, Riya and Avinash about Rey and Ansh and that she was finally going back to Mumbai with him for forever. Avinash, however was heartbroken, but was still happy that Taani found her happiness back. Though it didn't decrease Rey's possessiveness and jealousy even a bit. Although, the girls reaction was completely different, they were calling her a lucky bitch to have Rey as her husband. Well, it wasn't anything that taani wasn't aware about, she knew she was lucky to have Rey in her life.

And now it was finally time for all of them to say bye to Coorg and the house they lived in. Taani came out of the house holding the kids hand, both Avinahs and Rey stilled for a second looking at her, even being mother of three kids now she still looked like a college going girl in the dress she wore. Taani blushed feeling Rey's intense gaze on her making Avinash sad while Kritika and Riya passed her teasing looks.

 Taani blushed feeling Rey's intense gaze on her making Avinash sad while Kritika and Riya passed her teasing looks

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