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(Rey's hotel room on the side!)


Author's POV

A Hotel in Coorg

Rey took Taani to the elevator while she was just following silently. He entered in the elevator with Taani and pressed the penthouse button. The door closed confiding Taarey together in the elevator alone. He looked at Taani while she was avoiding looking at him, aware that once she does it will be impossible for her to look away.

But rey was not even trying to look away, his gaze was fixed on her as if he wanted to drink her presence in his whole being now that she is finally in front of him. He still remembers the last kiss she gave him, he has lived with that memory all this long. He has lived till now with the memory of the night when they made love for the first time and hopefully now, it wasn't the last time. He so wanted to take her in his arms again and take her to a ride that makes her forget everything but him.

He saw her adjusting a couple of strands of her hair behind her ears consciously, he knew she was feeling nervous and anxious here being alone with him. She thanked god mentally when the lift finally reached the floor and the doors open wide, she quickly stormed out before he even had a moment to register.

He chuckled shaking his head and came out before leading her to the only door on the floor and swiping his keycard. He opened the door for her and she entered in, the tension was thick in air.

As soon as they entered she came across a big living room and a door across it probably leading to the bedroom. He closed the door behind them, her head jerked in his direction seeing it. Her breath hitched realizing they were all alone in the big penthouse locked inside. Not that she don't trust him but she was not ready for being alone with him after such a long time of separation.

She cleared her throat asking,

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She cleared her throat asking,

"What are we doing here?"

He smiled closing in the gap, she took steps back involuntarily, but before she could move away he held her hand and stopped her from backing off more. Her breath hitched feeling his hand enclosed around her wrist, his fingers touching the inside of her wrist tickling her skin. She gulped looking at him and he whispered,

"I wanted you to meet someone."

She glanced at him confusingly but she didn't get to ask him when he pulled her towards the bedroom door and slid off the door to the right side exposing a big room with glass walls and a big bed in the room. But what caught her heartbeat was a small figure sleeping on the bed draped inside the duvet and a lady sitting there, she heard Rey said to the lady,

"You can go now."

She heard someone's heels walking off and she guessed that the woman just left, she couldn't look anywhere but her gaze was plastered on the figure on the bed that she didn't even realize Rey was standing just behind her, he bend down whispering in her ears,

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