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Hey lovely people!!!

Finally back with updates which are filled with TaaReyAnsh...................Enjoy !!!!!!


Author's POV

Next Day (Morning)

The sun rays peeked in the room waking falling on the beautiful trio sleeping peacefully. Taani was the first one to wake up from her slumber, opening her eyelids she saw the cutest scene ever in front of her. Ansh was awake already and was moving around playing with his toy happily while clutching her dress lightly and Rey was sleeping on the chair but his head was laid beside Ansh.

Ansh looked at her and when he saw she was awake, he smiled showing his pink gums and cupped her cheeks snuggling into her. Taani smiled brightly, there can't be a perfect morning than this according to her, seeing the little angel first thing in the morning was such a blessing.

"Good morning my jaan!"

Taani told him, kissing his head, Ansh smiled feeling her kiss and leaning towards her gave a peck on her cheeks.


He tried to say something in his baby language and she chuckled hearing his babbling. She sat on the bed with Ansh in her arms,

"My baby must be hungry na, let's get something for you to eat but before that aapko ready karte hain, okay?"

Ansh nodded slightly as if he understood everything she said making her giggle at his cuteness, she picked him up and took him to his room. Setting his bath tub she gave him a bubble bath and in between he drenched her slightly too playing with her. She picked him up and took him to the room, raising the temperature of the air conditioner so that he won't catch cold, she put him on the bed and dried his body. Taking his clothes she dressed him up using his baby products too. She smiled looking at him,

"My baby is finally ready!"

Saying that she picked him up again and he clapped coming in her arms, giggling a lot, her heart filled with happiness seeing him laughing and giggling. One of the best sound she had ever heard in her life. Stealthily she went down the kitchen where the chefs were already present and making breakfast.

They stopped working seeing her and Ansh, the head chef came forward asking,

"Yes mam, do you want something?"

She smiled at them lightly,

"Umm just tell me where Ansh's baby food is, he is hungry."

The chef nodded and said,

"Sure mam, we will just prepare it."

But Taani shook her head in denial immediately, she wanted to cook for Ansh herself and not anyone else,

"No need for that, please pass me the ingredients. I'll make it, aap Rey ke liye breakfast bana dijiye."

The chefs nodded and gave her his food ingredients, Taani put Ansh on the baby chair and started with her work. All the while he was just playing with his toy and making cute noises entertaining all the people in the kitchen. The chefs left after their work finished but Taani was still there.

Here Rey woke up from his slumber, his eyes went towards the bed but he panicked on not finding Ansh over there.


He stood up instantly rubbing his eyes to shoo away sleepiness, and looked for him in the room, when he didn't find him anywhere he came downstairs and found kaka instructing everyone about cleaning the house, so he asked him,

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