Character Sketch-2

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Introducing all the new characters in the story along with the previous ones and their pics!!!

You are free to imagine whomsoever you want to as characters!!


Ansh Reyansh Singhania – An eight year old boy, biological son of Reyansh Singhania and Lavanya Raichand, step-son of Taani Reyansh Singhania. Xerox- copy of his father. Loves both Rey and Taani a lot along with his grandparents and his father's friends. Really close with Swaron and their son Aarav, his little cousin. Misses Taani and prays for her to come back in his life. He knows she is his 'mumma' and remembers her every single minute of the day. Learnt dancing from Rey and is an amazing dancer, people say eh dances even better than his father.

Ruhika Reyansh Singhania – Six year old daughter of Taani and Rey, elder twin of Riddhima

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Ruhika Reyansh Singhania – Six year old daughter of Taani and Rey, elder twin of Riddhima. Xerox copy of Rey, her features, her eyes, her lips and nose along with her behaviour and attitude. She is the sassy and the dazzler among the two. Her attitude and anger is just like Rey and she is hell protective of her younger sister although Riddhima is just five minutes younger than her. Her anger is like a fireball and one has to bow down in front of her anyhow. Amazing dancer just like Rey and she loves to dance.

Riddhima Reyansh Singhania – Six year old daughter of Taani and Rey, younger twin of Ruhika

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Riddhima Reyansh Singhania – Six year old daughter of Taani and Rey, younger twin of Ruhika. Her features are somewhat similar to Rey but her eyes and nose are just like Taani giving her the same innocence but still she resembles Rey more than Taani. However her behaviour is just like Taani, she is the innocent, cute and weird twin who rarely gets angry and is sweet with all. Loves her mother and sister most, is pampered by both of them. A little crybaby just like Taani and gets hurt easily but this doesn't mean she is weak. She can show you living hell too when she is pissed off. Amazing dancer just like her father.

Aarav Swayam Shekhawat – Swaron's son and Ansh's cousin

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Aarav Swayam Shekhawat – Swaron's son and Ansh's cousin. Both of them are too much attached to each other and are best of friends. Aarav loves his parents a lot and vice-versa and he is too close to Rey too although Swaron doesn't interact with him now but Rey loves Aarav just like his son. He is a dancer too just like his parents. He is two years younger than Ansh and is six years old. So Ansh loves and protects him like his own brother.

Other kids ( Not giving all their pics as I can't find so many kids on the net that too of Asian origin, so please imagine all of them and imagine nicely because I have some plans for all these kids ;P ;P

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Other kids ( Not giving all their pics as I can't find so many kids on the net that too of Asian origin, so please imagine all of them and imagine nicely because I have some plans for all these kids ;P ;P. I might just write taarey's kids love story from this fic. I am sure you all will enjoy reading Ansh's love story!!!)

Viha's kids
Tanay – Seven years old, Ansh and Aarav's best friend
Hardik – Six years old

Nimmi's kids
Vihaan – Seven years old
Ishita – Five years old

Rimar's kid
Maya – Six years old

Bhashi's kids
Taara – six years old
Kabir – Five years old

Avinash Vadhera – A handsome man and Ceo and MD of Vadhera Group of Industries. Lives in Coorg looking after the branch. Have a soft spot for Taani and has proposed her, waiting for her answer. Loves both Riddhima and Ruhika alot.


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So, here are our adorable characters!! Aren't they all cute???

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