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Author's POV

The sun rays peeked in from the window bringing a new day. The light touched her eyelids breaking her deep slumber. Rubbing her eyes she opened them only to come across the most beautiful view she can ever see in morning. Both Rey and Ansh were cuddling to her and Rey's hand was embracing her waist tightly.

Smiling she first kissed Ansh's forehead and then leaning a little more kissed Rey on his head too.

Finally a new beginning, I'll try my best to make it last forever Rey.

Thinking that she finally tried getting up letting them sleep, it was Saturday on top of that a public holiday due to something so Rey had no office for two consequetive days. She thought if he would like to have something made by her in breakfast. Mentally deciding the menu she went to her room and transferred all her stuff in their room before taking a saree out and going in the washroom to do her morning routine. Coming out she stood in front of the mirror and started getting ready. Her hair were still wet so she let them like that, to dry by themselves slowly.

Going in the kitchen she saw all the butlers already working, she smiled at them and said,

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Going in the kitchen she saw all the butlers already working, she smiled at them and said,

"Aap sab jaiye or cleaning karlijiye, I'll make the breakfast."

All of the nodded before walking out of the kitchen and she went in, she started making the breakfast. His favourite Mumbai street Pav Bhaji, sandwiches, samosa and Mango shake along with coffee and fresh juice.

After she was done she again went to the room to see if the father-son duo woke up but they were sleeping still. Shaking her head she stood in front of the mirror and started drying her hair with a towel. Rey who was sleeping peacefully groaned feeling the water droplets falling on his face. Taani was startled hearing the noise that she literally dropped the towel. Turning around she saw the reason of his disturbed sleep and then smiled naughtily finding him groaning because of water. A giggle escaped her lips and she immediately got an idea. Tip-toeing towards him she sat on the bed besides him, running her fingers through her hair she sprinkled some water on his face again. He squinted his eyes in his sleep and turned on his back now facing Taani. She giggled silently before giving her hair a jerk making them fly and sprawl on his face for a second before leaning back up. She was laughing seeing his condition that she didn't even notice him waking up and getting to know about her mischief. He smirked internally and kept lying down like that waiting for her to do something again.

This time instead of water she leaned towards his face, he could feel her hot breath hitting his face when she blew air on his face slowly making him feel ticklish. He was suppressing a groan when giggling she backed up and started to get up from the bed but before she could, her hand was held by his and he pulled her making her fall on top of him. Her eyes closed automatically in fear of falling and she clutched his vest over his chest. Her hair fell down on their faces curtaining them. He was just gazing at her when her eyes opened and seeing him so close to her, her breath hitched. They were staring at each other when Rey bunched her hair from the side and tucked them aside on her other shoulder making her face visible to him. He spoke in his deep husky morning voice,

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