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Author's POV

"Reyansh Singhania!"

Avinash gave Rey a knowing smile and said,

"Of course, who doesn't know you. Please come!"

Rey nodded and followed him in putting the place to shame with his rich, sexy and devilish persona. The office staff went silent seeing him making an entry and the girls swooned literally gawking at him with starved eyes while the boys couldn't stop admiring him too. The whole office was talking about him in minutes, the greek god who is going to be their new boss. The girls literally adjusted their clothes and redid their make ups in hope that he would notice them but sadly he didn't even glance at even one of them. He was just walking silently with a dead face that had no expression, a face which literally could make everyone shiver in fear.

Avinash gave hm a tour of the office before Rey said,

"Let's cut it short, I'll take a round after our meeting. Shall we?"

Avinash immediately nodded,

"yeah sure! Everything is ready, please!"

He showed him the way and they walked towards the meeting room entering inside. Avinash asked him to take a seat and he settled down when he he didn't find Taani anywhere, frowning he asked Kritika,

"Ms. Jha, where is Ms. Shekhawat?"

He asked about Taani, mentally applauding himself for not calling her by her name in front of the whole staff as he was so used to call her with weird nicknames and her name. Rey frowned for a second hearing the surname but shrugged it off as being just another person with same surname as Swayam and ......

He sighed sadly again when he thought about her before shaking himself from her thought when he the girl say,

"Sir, she got a call so she is outside, she must be coming in a minute."

Avinash nodded but Rey frowned and said,

"Mr. Vadhera, I really don't like this unprofessionalism, you know I don't like to wait. Your employee should and must have been here for the meeting when it was scheduled for now."

Avinash gave him an apologetic face and said,

"I am really sorry Mr. Singhania, Ms. Shekhawat is not unprofessional. It must have been really important because she never neglects her work."

Rey frowned finding a hint of adoration and protectiveness for the said girl in his voice, she must be really special when a boss is saving his own employee like that and that admiration was evident totally.

He smirked thinking,

Another office romance. So cliché!

He was sitting and getting pissed off because of the tardiness when the door jerked open, he didn't look that way knowing it must be the female employee but unconsciously his heart was commanding him to turn around, he felt weird like he wanted to just look at the door but he refrained when a voice reached his ears that literally snatched the land under his feet,

"Sorry sir, I got late. It was an emergency."

His head snapped in the direction of the voice but he wasn't able to see the face as Avinash was standing in front talking to the girl. He was sure he heard Taani's voice and Rey tried really hard to just remain in his seat and not bounce towards the gate to see the face of the employee. His heart started racing still feeling the voice echoing in his ears and he sent a silent prayer to make Avinash move away from in front of the girl. He heard him say to the girl,

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