Chapter- 35

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Last chapter for these updates!!! Enjoy it before I I am back with newer updates for all of you!!!


Author's POV

A week later

Rey entered the house tiredly after a long day at work. Walking towards his room he saw the empty room and sighed, only Ansh was sleeping in his cot while his baby monitor was missing. It's been like this since a week back whatever happened between taarey, he now regrets it, not because he didn't liked it but because after he came home that night, Taani had already shifted her stuff to the other room and she was completely avoiding him. As if he was a stranger and she was sharing a roof with a stranger and behaving like nothing happened between them.

She would take Ansh in her own room before Rey wakes up, when Rey would be going would sent Ansh to him with a butler, have breakfast after he goes or in her own room, would not answer his calls whole day, then she would feed Ansh before he comes home and makes him sleep in Rey's room and leaves when she hears his car entering the house porch. He hasn't seen her in a week and he was frustrated about this. He tried knowcking her room door but she never answered, in fact she locks it from inside. She wouldn't even wait for him to have dinner like before. He was cursing himself for losing control that day, at least then she would have been in his room. He didn't knew why all this was happening, when did he got so habitual of having her in their room that now it seems empty without her. He sighed walking towards Ansh and kissing his head. He wanted to see her, he need to see her now. Leaving all his decency behind, he took the spare key of her room and walked towards it and unlocked the door, and there she was sleeping in the middle of the bed. He sighed having her in front of his eyes after such a long time.

Walking towards her not making any noise he sat beside her on the bed noticing her.

although she was fast asleep but there were frown lines on her face telling them that she wasn't at peace even while sleeping. Before he could know, his hand was moving towards her face.

He traced it lightly with his index finger, hoping she won't wake up, on the contrary she nuzzled her face towards his hand and her face calmed down slightly

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He traced it lightly with his index finger, hoping she won't wake up, on the contrary she nuzzled her face towards his hand and her face calmed down slightly.

He traced it lightly with his index finger, hoping she won't wake up, on the contrary she nuzzled her face towards his hand and her face calmed down slightly

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