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Hey everyone!! Back with the updates!! Thank you so much for the patience. I just wanna know if you guys are liking this story? Coz last time the response I got was little low then past times, only on this story. It hasn't happened before and it made me think if the chapters were upto your expectations? And if you guys have any remarks, even if negative then it is more than welcome, criticism is always appreciated. So, it's a request please do comment on chapters, as your words really push me to write forward. Please comment if you didn't like something so that I can work on it more. All we ask after writing such long chapters is just small two lines comments. That's more than enough. That's it!

Now please enjoy the updates!!!


Taani's POV

I ran out of the room coming in ours and went straight in the bathroom. The tears that were at bay started flowing down finally when I was in the protection of these four walls where no one could see me like this.

I was still not able to process what all just happened. Me and Rey? What was all that? Why did he do all of that? And most importantly why I didn't stop him? I let him do everything he wanted, not even stopping him once. Why am I so weak when it comes to him? Why I let myself melt in his arms like molten chocolate? Even after all that pain and hurt he has given me.

I walked towards the shower cubicle and entering inside I started the shower without even removing my clothes and stood under it trying to wash away everything. Every touch of his, every memory of the moment we just spent together. But alas! Nothing of that sort happened. In fact the memories started resurfacing even more strongly bringing back thousand of memories from the past as well.

The memories when we were together in a relationship, when he would touch me the same way. Nothing has changed, seriously nothing has changed in his touch. He still holds me like a glass doll, touching me with so much passion that it renders me breathless. I am still unable to bring myself out of his magic and his touch still lits up my body on fire.

But maybe I am wrong, one thing has surely changed, he doesn't love me. He doesn't love me like he did in the past. But why I didn't felt like that. Why his touch still screamed of love, passion and care. Does he seriously love me still?

No! No! I shouldn't think like this. He can never love me. He only said that he doesn't believe in love now and that this marriage means nothing to him. After all this marriage was just a business deal for him, to show his ex-wife that he can find a better girl than her.

The thought saddened me more, whenever the truth would cross my mind, it feels like someone is piercing thousand of knives in my heart.

I sobbed hard remembering what all happened since the moment I came back to Mumbai. I did not even plan to have him in my life again, when I returned I just wanted a mere friendship with him and to move on. I never thought my life would take such a turn.

I can't even curse my luck, I know the reason Ansh is in my life is him. But Krishna ji if you never intended to give his love to me, then why did you give him back to me? Why did you bring him in my life back, specially like this? Now I don't even know where we stand, we aren't together in real, but we are a couple for the world and our families. We are sorry just acting to be together for Ansh's sake.

And now all this, what is the meaning of whatever happened just now? Does it mean anything to him? Like it does for me. I know it does mean something, in fact, everything for me and I can't lie to myself about that. Though I even know it was just in heat of the moment for him. It was just the situation that made it happen and I am sure it doesn't mean even a cent to him.

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