Meet the characters

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We wanna make something clear first.


This is a no hate zone guys. Don't hate on The story or each other. Any offensive comment will be taken down

Also, the story is ours we've just taken some inspiration from all the wonderful big brother stories out there. so please don't go around saying we've copied it cause we haven't.  If you have nothing nice to say, then don't speak.

This story is a bit special and experimental at the same time. I have a twin brother who likes reading and writing, just like me. Now he helps me write sometimes but he never lets me put his name together with mine except once in one of my other stories. Yesterday, after a big play fight, he finally agreed so here we are. This is a bit different cause usually, we write individually. Like he would write one chapter and I would write the other one. But here, we're going to write each chapter together. Guys please comment so we know you like the story. Please.

You guys have full rights to imagine the characters as you want these pictures are just how my twin and I imagine them as.

We're no professionals so there may be many mistakes. We'll try our best not to make them though.

Now that we have that out of the way, meet the characters!

Okay so the characters may seem a bit younger or older for their age but c'mon this is WATTPAD. The unreal happens here. Just humour us, and go with it. Thank you.

Angelina Lilith Rossi

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Angelina Lilith Rossi.
Age: 13 will be 14 soon
Brownish blond hair, striking emerald green eyes.
Kind, bubbly, cheerful and playful but sarcastic at the same time if you're a close friend or family. Can be deadly and cold when pissed off or when it comes to her loved ones. A real sarcastic bitch to strangers. Really protective of her twin Ace. A very skilled fighter and hacker. Loves music and a master at instruments, especially a piano. She hates her family for throwing them out. But deep inside, she wants the love of a father. Her father. Knows many languages. A true spitfire.

Ace Levi RossiAge:13 will be 14 soon5'8Brownish hair, striking emerald green eyes He's a hothead

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Ace Levi Rossi
Age:13 will be 14 soon
Brownish hair, striking emerald green eyes
He's a hothead. He doesn't know how to act nice to anyone other than his twin. Loves Angelina to bits. He's usually quiet. When he does speak, He's sarcastic and sadistic. Boxing, fighting and shooting are his passion. He plays the guitar too. He's only ever gentle to one person. His twin. Extremely protective over her. He loathes his father and brothers for kicking them out and blames them for the hardships his twin and him had to face. Learnt All kinds of languages together with his sister so that they could talk without anyone knowing when or if in a compromising situation.

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