1: "Were they bad kids?"

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Angelina and Ace stood hugging each other, looking at their father and brothers with a betrayed expression on their little faces.

Their 4 year old selves couldn't understand what they had done for their father to send them away with their mother who hit them when no one was around.

Were they misbehaving?

Were they bad kids?

Their little minds couldn't process what was happening.

While Ace didn't have much of a bond with anyone other than his twin, he didn't cause trouble either.

Even if he did... wait he did kick Mason for tickling him yesterday, why was his twin getting punished for it with him though? She didn't do anything bad.

Angelina, however, was a different story. She sobbed into her twin's neck.

Did her daddy and brothers not want them anymore?

Why were they sending them away with their evil mumma?

She wasn't only afraid for herself. No. She was afraid for both her and her twin.

What if she hurts her and makes her twino watch? That would hurt him too much... he always said watching her get hurt was worse than a beating and Angelina felt the same. She never liked seeing her twin hurt. In her little mind, it hurt worse than her mumma's slaps and kicks.

Her mumma would always tell everyone that they got hurt from play fighting with each other. But she knew Ace would never put a bruise on his twin and the same for Angelina. They were the best and the most caring twins anyone had ever seen.

Their mother wasn't always a vile woman. She was once.... bearable. But she was totally off her hinges now. She had all her screws loose. The others except the baby twins were completely oblivious to that.

Little Angie and Ace begged and begged to their father and oldest siblings to not let their mother take them away. Their pleas fell onto deaf ears as their mother dragged them out of the house smiling evilly.

Angelina saw her so called family just watching them get dragged away with a cold expression.

That was when a burning feeling of hate ran through her veins. She was angry.

Furious even.

Furious at her father for leaving her and her twin with the vile and disgusting witch.

They had told them many times, that their mother would hit them.

But no. They never believed and brushed it off as children being 'petty' because something didn't go their way.

They didn't know just how wrong they were and they certainly did not know that they had just given their precious baby twins to the devil on a silver platter. They would soon come to regret their actions.

The first year for the twins went... not so bad to say the least. Their father called them once, which sparked a hope in Angelina's little heart. Hope that her daddy will take them away from their bad mumma.

That didn't happen.

They hung up after the first sentence. They heard one of their brothers in the background, saying how they shouldn't be brought back home. That crushed her heart. Their father and brothers never called after that.

Ace didn't have the same hope though. He hated- no he loathed his family for leaving him and his twin. He knew this would crush her heart into pieces. That was why he tried to stop her from picking the phone up.

The twins suffered everyday with their mother. Their father, Giovanni, sent money. Yes, but the money was all used by Audrey to fulfill her needs and wants. She spent it on unnecessary shopping, drugs and alcohol.

One day, the money just stopped coming in and they moved.

Things got worse when the first stepfather set foot in their house.

Angelina and Ace had developed a hate for their family and trusted no one other than themselves. They learnt different languages because they didn't want their mother and stepfather to know when they talked about where they would hide their hard earned money so that their mother and the stepfather wouldn't take it away to buy drugs.

They were trapped with the stepfather for a solid two years before he died. The next stepfather was surprisingly nice. He had two sons who were very kind too.

The new  stepfather, Steve, treated them as their own until he was killed by their mother.

That was what the twins believed anyway.

She ran away after that and the twins didn't bother searching for her. They were busy with their own lives.

After all, they were going to be the youngest billionaires in the world at a mere age of 14.

Who would even want to find the dead beat sadistic and an abusive mother?

They wanted to, but for a different reason. They wanted revenge on her for killing Steve, their second stepfather who was more of a father than their own.

After Steve died and Audrey ran away, Vincent Costa had immediately stepped up to take custody of a 15 year old Max, and then 13 year old Angelina and Ace.

He gained Max's custody, but couldn't get the twins' as if anything happens to the mother, the custody would of course go to their father who was still very much alive. He still fought for it but in the end, he lost.

So he selected the next best option. Him and Max would move to America with his little fireworks.

Step siblings or not, he loved them with all his heart.


So how was it?

Good or nah?

Anyways guys we hope you like it! And chapter 1 will be up tomorrow so there's that!



Angel and Angelo~

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