22: "After that, its a court battle for my custody."

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a n g e l i n a

It's been three days since the fight I had with Dad and my brothers, except Romeo and Marco.

What hurt me the most was, Ace supported them. I'm glad I had Romeo by my side. I'm just so tired of this.

I just want Marco to come home and give me a big bear hug.

I want my gramps.

I want Vinny and Max. But they're not here they're at grandpa's.

I want my cousins to play COD with me. I don't like this at all.

I am also majorly pissed off.

There's this rumour going around about me dating this guy, I think his name was Aiden. I don't even know who this guy is!

I know my brothers except Romeo again, are getting frustrated especially after that fight.

I just hope to god they don't pester me as I am done with their shit. As soon as Max and Vinny come back, I'm either going there, or I'm gonna go to grandpa, since gramps isn't here.

(A/n to clear any confusions, grandpa is Steve's father and gramps is The Rossi senior aka her real grandfather.)

Or I'll just go to one of our penthouses? No Ace would know where I am.

Who am I kidding he'll know where I am wherever I go.

I was walking down the hallway trying to find Romeo when I heard someone walking behind me. I was always taught by my papa to get a video whenever you're being followed. If they try to take you somewhere, drop the phone.

They might say something very important or the location so they can find me. I have always had a necklace from papa that had a tracker too. The necklace can only be tracked by Vincent.

So I did what he had taught me to. I turned my phones video on and placed the phone in my front pocket.

I was pulled into a janitors closet.My hands were restrained. I tried dislocating my thumb to get my hand out of his grip but he had my thumbs in a tight hold.

He covered my mouth with a rag so I couldn't scream. I did scream but it was muffled. He leaned in, and placed his lips on mine. I tried to jerk away but his grip was just too tight.

"Stay still you fucking bitch. Stop fucking screaming, no ones going to save you." He hissed

A light flashed over us twice and he looked behind him, which caused him to loosen his hold a bit. As soon as I had my hands free, I punched him square in the face and kicked him in the balls. I kicked his temple and walked out, feeling numb.

He'd just taken my first kiss. Forcefully. If I couldn't have been able to get my hands free, I would've been....god I can't even come to say it.

It made me feel dirty.

The whole period passed with me just sitting there numbly and my friends trying to get my attention.

After ten minutes , they'd finally had enough. Three of them went outside, leaving Mia with me to try and get me to talk.

I wouldn't budge. The others returned with Romeo hurriedly jogging behind them.

Romeo  tried to make me talk too. I just wouldn't speak. I couldn't speak. Memories were resurfacing. There were flashbacks trying to drown me.

"Angelina? Bubs what's wrong? Will you please say something?" Romeo worriedly said.

Suddenly, Roman, Aaron and Ace bust into the classroom. They grabbed my arm tight, in a bruising grip. They dragged me out with Romeo running behind us and yelling at them to let me go.

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