27: "what the fuck happened to my little sister?"

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a n g e l i n a

It was as if the time slowed down. I ran forward and pushed Ace out of the way. But before I could move, the car had already hit me.

I flew to the side, right beside Ace.

Unbearable pain was all I felt.

Ace turned to me and his eyes widened.

"ANNIE!" He yelled.

I saw a guy sticking his head out of the passenger side of the car. He smirked at me and pulled a gun out, ready to shoot my twin.

Ignoring the pain that shot through my body, I pushed Ace away just as the person pulled the trigger.

I was hit by two bullets. One in my shoulder and the other in my stomach. The person cussed as the driver drove even faster.

I let out a painful scream.

a c e

I walked out of the basketball court and shoved my earplugs in.

I was honestly so happy for my twin. She has always loved basketball.

But I guess she didn't need me. I wanted to take a walk to clear my head so I left the school. I was fumbling with my phone when something pushed me, making me almost fall on the sidewalk.

What the fuck?

I turned around, ready to pound this asshole, when I saw a body drop beside me and a car driving away.

It was my twin. My eyes widened.

"ANNIE!" I yelled as I dropped onto my knees beside her.

She'd just saved my life.

Her eyes wandered behind me and they widened. She pushed me away just as I heard two gunshots.

I felt pain in my shoulder and stomach. I looked down but nothing had happened to me.

No. No. NO NO NO!

My twin let out a painful shriek. I quickly placed her bleeding head on my lap.

"Annie? Annie please please stay awake! Why did you do this!" I cried.

She just gave me a soft smile. "Because I can never let you get hurt twinny." She answered.

"No! No dammit! You can't always save me! Hold on twinny the paramedics will be here soon!" I sobbed. I had already called 911. The paramedics were on their way.

"Woah what's going on-" Julian suddenly appeared with the whole basketball team.

"ANGIE!" Romeo yelled in agony and slumped down beside me.

"Who did this?!" He gritted.

"H-Hey R-Rome." She croaked.

"Shhh baby save your energy okay? You'll be alright your bubby wont let anything happen to you okay? J-just stay awake sunshine." He croaked as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"B-Bubby d-don't cry... n-now listen. I-if I don't m-make it-" she was cut off.

"NO DONT SAY THAT DAMMIT YOU WILL MAKE IT. YOU HAVE TO" Romeo yelled, crying as I just kept sobbing and mumbling 'don't leave me twinny'.

Her eyes dropped close.

"NO! No. No no no no! Wake up baby. Come on sunshine open your pretty eyes for bubby. Come on! WAKE UP DAMMIT!" Romeo sobbed.

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