24: "Waffles with nutella and chocolate chips"

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Guys these songs don't go with the chapter but it's such an amazing song! SASHA IS A QUEEN.

a n g e l i n a

The next morning, I was woken up by a gentle pat on my shoulder.

"Miss Angelina. You need to wake up now, you only have an hour to get to school." The maid that was assigned to me yesterday, gently spoke as she brushed my hair off my face.

I sat up and groggily asked her for her name.

"It's Crystal, darling." She told me with a gentle smile. She was a nice looking woman, probably in her late thirties. She had beautiful brown hair and sparkly blue eyes.

She's so nice and motherly. I sighed softly.

"Alright Crystal, lets set some ground rules. You won't call me miss, Angelina or whatever you like is just fine!" I snipped as she giggled.

"Alright dear, now you need to get out of that bed and get ready for school. Why are you in Master Vincent's room though?" She furrowed her eyebrows in genuine confusion.

I laughed a bit. "Because We always do that whenever he's not home. I guess it just makes us feel like he's still with us." I smile softly at her.

Honest to god, Vincent and Max would always own a huge part of my heart.

"My my, your bond with him is just admirable. It reminds me of my own older brother" she smiled at me.

Before I could tell her to tell me more about her brothers, she gently pulled me to my room and into my bathroom.

"Now now, young lady, you don't have much time left, we can talk when you come back from school, alright?" She smiled.

Damn this woman is just so smiley! I don't mind though. Her smiles are warm and motherly.

"Alright." And exactly half an hour later, I was ready for school. Thank god I brought my backpack with me yesterday.

I grabbed my phone and backpack, and hurried downstairs.

"I'm here! What's cooking my good lookings?!" I chirped.

The kitchen staff laughed at me. "Would you like some waffles with chocolate syrup, little miss?" The chef  gently but goofily smiled at me.

"WAFFLES WITH NUTELLA AND CHOCOLATE CHIPS." I cheered when he nodded, chuckling at my behaviour.

I settled at the dining table and made a random beat with my fork and table knife.

A plate of warm waffles with Nutella and a glass of chocolate milk was soon placed in front of me. I squealed.

"You're the best mister chef!" I happily chirped, receiving a few giggles and laughs in return.

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