28: "Hey little man"

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Romeo didn't know how to tell Vincent that his Angel might die today. He didn't know how he would tell Max his fruitcake might die today.

Heck even he could bring himself to believe his little sunshine could die.

He was shaken out of thoughts by Vincent. "Fucking answer me Rome." He snarled.

"Vince...she's in surgery... we had just got done with basketball practice when she said she'll be back. I waited for ten minutes but she didn't so I went to check and the whole team came with me. We ran out and saw a bleeding Angelina with her head on Ace's lap. He was crying. She got hit by a car and then the person shot her two times." Romeo told him with gritted teeth.

Romeo had asked Ace what had happened as soon as he arrived with Julian.

Vincent's eyes widened and he froze. A painful sob left Max's mouth.

He was pulled into a tight hug by Vincent.

"My baby..." he whispered as he broke down in his older brother's arms.

"Where's Ace?" Vincent asked, his voice heavy with sadness, as he pulled away from Max.

Romeo pointed towards Ace, who was sitting in front of the room where Angelina was being operated on.

He hadn't spoken a word since Angelina was taken away into by the paramedics.

Vincent knew, that though the twins were on bad terms, Ace can still feel everything going on with Angelina.

He knew....god forbid if something happened to Angelina, Ace would be the first one to feel it. He would feel the bond with his twin break. He would feel his other half's loss.

He didn't understand how he didn't know Angelina didn't do the things they accused her of.

It was not the time to think about that. Vincent went over to Ace and sat down beside him. Ace didn't move an inch. It was as if he was afraid something might happen if he did.

"Hey little man." His voice cracked.

"She will be fine Vince. I know she will be. She told me she would never leave me. She told me we will always stay together. It was us against the world. She won't leave me right Vince?" Ace finally looked at Vince, his bottom lip quivering.

Vincent's heart broke. He pulled Ace to his chest and hugged him tight as he let a few tears out. He could hear Ace sobbing in his chest and telling him how he just wanted his twin back.

Vincent didn't know what he would do if he lost his Angel. She was the light of his life.

He remembered the day he fell in love with the little princess. His dad had come home yapping about this little girl that he had saved.


Steve Costa had finally come home to his boys after he saved a little girl in the alley and dropped her home safe and sound.

She had managed to capture the man's heart with her innocent green eyes which were filled with fear.

This was the third time he had seen the girl. According to Steve, she was kind and lovable.

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