20: "be nice or i will hit you"

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a n g e l i n a

Max was supposed to be here too but he's down with cold and a stomach bug. Poor thing. I'll go see him after school.


Romeo guided me towards the office. Once inside, we saw a sweet looking middle aged lady sitting on the desk. She looked up and gave me a bright smile which I of course returned.

When she looked behind me, he smile faltered a little.


I pinched him and gave him a look. A look that said, 'be nice or I will hit you.'

He huffed but gave her a smile that looked more like a grimace. I guess that's all She's getting from him.

"Hi! I'm Mrs Summers. How can I help you sweetheart?" She nicely and cheerfully asked.

"Hi Mrs Summers! I'm Angelina Rossi. It's my first day here, so I need schedule." I smiled back and answered with just as much enthusiasm.

This seemed to brighten her mood.

Romeo's phone rang. "Hey bubs I'll just go take this outside okay?" I nodded. He kissed my head and went out to receive his call.

"You know, I'm glad you're not like your brothers. They're nice young men, but they do not know how to be polite." She giggled and I laugh with her.

I honestly did not like what she said but I understand she didn't say that with any bad intentions

"Oh I know Mrs Summers. They're actually good guys if you see past their huge egos" I smiled at her.

She genuinely smiled back and handed me my schedule, locker number and it's combination.

I walked out, only to see Ace, Roman and Aaron walking in. I quickly went over to Romeo before they could see me. I was honestly not in the mood to see Ace right now. What he said, cut me deep. That shit hurt.

I mean, naïve and stupid? Really?

It's not just about those words he said. It about how he's basically telling me how I trust anyone. I mean I had just told him I don't trust easy. How could he just talk to me like that.

I noticed how he bonded with Aaron and Roman over that week. I didn't say shit to him. I didn't tell him how he was always with them. I didn't tell him how he didn't talk to me that much either.

Most importantly, I kept my cool while he kept yelling at me.

"Hey...do you have your schedule?" Romeo asked me once he saw I was already standing beside him.

"Yeah. Let's go." I said.

"But don't you want to wait for Ace?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"No Romeo. I'm sure Ace will do just fine by himself. He's a big kid now. Besides, Roman and Aaron are there to help him. He doesn't need me. Now can we please go?" I said, getting a bit frustrated.

"Okay okay." He raised his hands in surrender.

He held my hand in his, and started walking towards my locker. Everyone was staring at us. Especially at our intertwined hands.

"Are y'all popular here?" I asked him. He chuckled and nodded, ruffling my hair up.

Gosh why does he like ruffling my hair so much?

"Hey! Romeo! Angie! Wait!" Roman yelled. Oh come on!

We stopped and waited for them to catch up to us.

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