10: "Look. Shut the fudge up before i punch you."

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"WHAT ACE?" I yell.

"Are you sure you HAVE to go alone? Like can't you take me with you?!" He whined for the 199th time today. But who's counting.

"Ace. I told you this before, and I'm telling you this again. NO. Believe me I'm not excited to go there especially when Romeo's coming but I have to, it's important and you know that. SO SHUT THE FRICK UP ACE LEVI." I yelled out.

He just huffed and crossed his arms on his chest, pouting.

He looks weird and constipated.
I agree with you brain.
That's a first.
It is. Don't get used to it though.

"Drop the face you look gross." I say, disgusted.

"How do you pull it off so great? Like, you look cute when you pout but I look like a potato got stuck in my mouth when I do. HOW!" I smirked.

(A/n this is legit what my brother, Luke, asked me once. He said and I quote "you sisters are evil little things. How can you look cute while you pout and we look like creepy old men with a swollen mouth?" BRO THAT WAS HILARIOUS)

"Sister powers!" I boasted

"Meh." He made a face.

I rolled my eyes and sat beside him on the bed.

"C'mon Ace. I'm sure it won't be so bad. You'll get to meet our cousins, grandpa, uncles and everyone before me!" I nudged my shoulder with his.

"But I want you to be with me..." he frowned.

"I know twinny. But I have to be there! Okay tell you what, you call me before and after you meet them. How's that?" He nodded but there was still a frown on his face.

"What's really bothering you Ace?" I asked him.

"I...it's just...I don't trust Romeo near you Angelina. You know how he is...he seems to hate you-" I flinched.

"-sorry. But he acts rude and cold towards you! You know how he was even when we were kids! He almost let you get killed on his watch that day! I don't like this one bit Annie. What...what if he does something to you a-and I'm not t-there? I..I can't lose you twinny...I-I j-just can't! " He finished with a shaky voice.

He looked so shaken up.

"Ace. Look at me." He didn't.

"Ace I said look at me." I said once again, my voice firm. He finally looked up.

"Ace. Nothing is going to happen to me.  You hear me? Nothing. You're not going to lose me. Not now, not ever. Okay. You don't trust Romeo? That's fine. Vince is going to be there too. You trust Vince right? You trust me?" He nodded.

"Then you know Vince would never let anything happen to me and I won't let anything happen to myself or Vince either. I would always come back to you. Always." I promised.

"Okay I believe you sissy. You better call me every night." He sternly said and hugged me tight once I nodded.

"I will. I'll be back Saturday. Be good for me twinny."

"Okay." He had a glint in his eye.

"I'm serious Ace Levi. No fights. Absolutely none. But if someone pisses you off the wrong way, JUST ONE PUNCH. Behave when you meet our uncles and cousins. Especially our grandfather. It wasn't theirs or our father and brothers' fault. Promise me Ace." I raised an eyebrow.

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