17:"Don't hit them if they don't provoke you"

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The Rossi household now seemed like a battle zone. The younger siblings were all excited and were just about swinging on their toes while the older ones just looked worried.

They all knew how Brittney was. Her sharp claw like nails would quite literally slice a person's skin off, her sharp screeches could very well burst your eardrums.

Angelina did not look worried at all. The opposite in fact. She seemed....excited.

They were all oblivious to a figure watching them from the shadows.

"Hey there Brittney." She smiled brightly at her, making the people around her melt. This was seen by Brittney and she just got madder.

This seemed to make Angelina smile even more. She looked ....almost psychotic.

Keyword being almost.

She stepped away from her siblings and cousins. She walked up to her and hugged her.

Now that shocked everyone. Brittney smirked and saw this as an opportunity.

Looking Mason dead in the eyes, she dug her sharp and long nails into Angelina's arm, unknowingly doing exactly what she wanted her to.

Angelina never hit anyone unless they gave her a reason to. Brittney hadn't, until now.

Angelina let out a hiss at the pain that shot up in her arm. Blood trailed down the wound as she stepped away.

This shocked everyone but Romeo, Ace and Angelina. No one ever knew she would do this to a child. This did it for Mason and the other brothers, as well as the uncles and their father.

Heck even the aunts felt murderous.

And all hell broke loose.

Shockingly, it was Marco who grabbed her by the throat and slammed her to the wall with a deadly expression on his face.

"How dare you huh bitch? I told you, Strike three and you're done hoe. This is equivalent to hundreds of strikes. How dare you put your filthy peasant hands on my little sister? Huh? Speak bitch!" He snarled in her face.

Angelina, who was still composed, calmly but immediately went up to him.

"Ah ah ah Marky. That's my trash. Let me deal with it!" She squealed as everyone just looked at her, completely bewildered.

Romeo and Ace just chuckled, with Ace giving him a strange look straight after.

"B-but baby..." he stumbled for words, eyes wide.

"Marky pleeeeeaaaaaaaseeeee?" She pouted. Marco brightened up at the nickname and let Bitchney-oops, Brittney go with a smile directed at his sweet little sister.

Angelina was bouncing in her place. She was finally getting some playtime!

"Hey there bitchney!-" "NO SWEARING!" "-whatevs. Hey there Brittney! You see, I have a, 'don't hit them if they don't provoke you' rule, which I was precisely waiting for you to do. So when you dug those peasant nails in my arms, my rule was followed. So let me ask you now, do you have a punch wish? I've heard my punches hurt like a bi-nah a female dog." She said and smirked at Romeo who shuddered, probably remembering the day she punched him.

"Oh yeah her punches are deadly. She gave me a shiner and broke my nose in just two punches sooooo" Romeo mocked at bitchney.

"What.....? Oof my baby is so strong" Marco cooed.


The figure in the shadows smirked.

"Hm...so where exactly do I punch you? Stomach? Boobs? OH I KNOW! Your face!" She squealed.

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