9: "Why would you leave me alone with them?"

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a n g e l i n a

Ace was being a dramatic trucker right now. I swear.

"Ace I will punch you in the throat if you don't stop whining right trucking now." I say, throwing a shirt in my suitcase as my patience finally runs out.

"But Annieeeeeeee don't leave me hereeeeee take me with youuuuuu" he whines again.


I let out a frustrated scream and jumped on his back, pulling his hair.

"Ow ow ow OW get off!" He yelled.

"NO! You stop annoying me!" I yelled back.

Wait. Let me catch you up.

So, there's a tiny little problem at the gym back home and one of us need to go.

It's been a week since we got here, and let me just say this, we're all warming up to each other. Even Ace.

It just so happens to be my area of work. So I have to go check it out. And joy. Dad and Mason have decided to send Romeo with me as they don't trust Vincent yet.

It's the jealousy speaking.

I told them I have to go there for some camp work I volunteered for. I'd have to tell everyone there to not call me boss.

Ace is pretty much pissed at being left alone here. Like dude Max is just next door you trucker.

So I'm leaving tomorrow, with Romeo and Vinny. I'm looking forward to it. NOT.

"GET OFF UGLY! OW OW OW!" He yelled again

"Ace you idiot! I told you to stop annoying me! Now bear the consequences! AND I MAY BE UGLY BUT BITCH IM BEAUTIFULLY UGLY!" I yelled back, still trying to rip his hair off.



And then somehow, we ended up throwing things at each other.

"What the hell is going on here!" A voice boomed just as a shoe landed on a fully dressed Mason's face.

I don't even know what that shoe is doing here, in the living room.

Oh crap. We're going to die.

I don't wanna die yet, I haven't found a boyfriend, I didn't even have kids yet, oh crap I'm not even old and wrinkly yet! OH GOD I HAVEN'T MET RYAN REYNOLDS YET!

I smiled innocently. "Hey Maseyyy I didn't see you there!" I chirped.

There was smoke coming outta his ears.

"Rooms. Now. Do not come out until one of us come get you. You hear me!" He yelled.

We stayed silent and wide eyed.

He came over to us and grabbed our ears.

"Ow Ow ow ow Mason stoppp!" I whined.

"Ow ow yo Mason you wanna tear our ears off or something?" My twin asked.

How is he my twin again? I have a dumb hooman as a twin.
Its human babe.
No. It's hooman
You're impossible.
I know.

Oh yeah we now have separate rooms after I accidentally walked in while Ace was changing. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE. I'M SCARRED FOR LIFE.

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