33: "worthless bitch"

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Darkness. It was all I could feel, it was all I could see. It had consumed me and embraced me like a soul hungry entity.

I could hear voices in my head. But I couldn't make out what they were actually saying.

All of a sudden, the darkness disappeared and I was back into my old room, at the house in which we lived with Audrey and Dale. Our first stepfather.

It wasn't a basement or an attic. No. It was a bedroom which I shared with Ace.

But wasn't I with my dad and my brothers?

Did they finally realize they didn't want me? Did they finally decide to keep Ace and get rid of me once and for all?

Hm. What can I even expect from them all? After all, for them, I was just a burden, a slut, a whore who they shouldn't have taken in.

Ace betrayed me too.

I was now having an internal battle with myself.

Why did you save him then? You could've just let him die.

I couldn't do that. He was my twin. My other half. He was actually wanted by my family. Not me. I did them all a favor by saving him and removing the burden that I am, from their family.

What about Romeo? Marco? Your gramps? Vince? Max? Your cousins? What about grandpa, your other uncles and cousins?

I...I don't know....all that went through my head at that time was to just save my twin.

Stop being so kind. Your kindness always turns out to be your weakness. You love people who don't even care. Why? Why not just let them be and live your life with the people who ACTUALLY care about you and that is certainly not the Rossi's or your twin. Except maybe Romeo and River.

Who's River? .....wait. RIRI! I remember now!

My thoughts were cut off as the door slammed open, only to reveal Dale and Audrey. They were drunk again. There was some white stuff below their nose.

This is a fucking dream not reality.

So they were high too huh?

Dale stumbled towards me.

"Hey babe, look who's back." He snickered at my mother.


"Guess your daddy and brothers didn't want you huh?" She laughed.

I sucked in a sharp breath.

"Hm....I always knew you were a burden. A bitch. A worthless whore." Dale snickered at my mother dearest's words.

Bitch I know my worth thank you very much.

"And you aren't?" I finally spoke up.

Their faces contorted into a confused expression.

"What?" She asked.

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