19: "When will you stop being so naïve and stupid, Angelina?"

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Just a warning, things are going to get real bad from here.

a n g e l i n a

"But what I'm asking is, why do we HAVE to go to school when we've already graduated? I just don't see the point here Angelina." Ace very seriously said.

"I know we have, Ace and I don't want to go back to hell either but our family doesn't know this and plan on keeping this to ourselves for now. I don't want them to know yet. We have to go to school for that to happen." I sighed and I picked my hairbrush up.

"Why can't we just tell them though? I see nothing wrong with it." He shrugged.

"I don't know Ace. There's something at the back of my mind that's telling me not to trust them too much yet. You know me Ace. I don't really trust easy. Yeah I may have given them nicknames and shit, but other than Marco, Valerio, Romeo,gramps and you, I don't trust anyone fully." I reasoned.

"Why though? I mean, they haven't really done anything trustworthy so far Angelina." He said, frowning.

"Well I don't really know Ace. I just don't, I guess?" I shrugged.

"Why are you being like this?" He asked.

"Like what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I don't know, ever since you came back, you've been...more closer to Romeo, you're not telling me shit when I ask, you just shrug everything off and all..." he trailed off.

I just looked at him through the mirror in disbelief.

"Ace I told you we will talk about it when I'm ready. Don't push it okay?" I softly said.

"I'm not even pushing you Angelina. When did you start keeping things from me? I knew Romeo was a bad influence!" He yelled.

What the heck? Why is he yelling? And it wasn't like I wasn't going to tell him what happened. I'm going to tell him. I always do!

"Lower your voice Ace Levi." I gently reminded him.

"Why should I? You don't even talk to me anymore Angelina!" He yelled again.

"This is ridiculous Ace, I'm always near you and I'm always talking to you! And why are you bringing Rome into this? This beef you two have is getting a little out of hand Ace." I said, my voice raising just a little bit.

"Oh now you're defending him! What has he done to you! Has he brainwashed you?" He spat in disbelief.

"That's enough Ace. He didn't do shit to me." Well now you know. When I cuss, I'm hella serious.

"You two need to sort out whatever this is. I won't tolerate both my brothers having hatred for each other." I sternly snipped.

"Hell no Angelina. Why the fuck would I even do that. He's clearly bad influence. Hell he didn't do shit when Brittney almost killed you twice when we were kids! Heck I don't know how the fuck you managed to forgive him for that!"


I sighed and rubbed my temples.

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