12: "I love you so much my little sunshine."

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t h i r d p e r s o n

Romeo was heartbroken and guilty. He couldn't believe he had driven his cheerful little sister to this. He watched as she laid on the floor, sobbing her heart out.

He kneeled down as tears streamed down his cheeks, and gathered her in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby" he spoke, his voice thick.

"Please, I'm so sorry baby! Please forgive me. I love you so much" He painfully whispered as his sister kept sobbing in his chest.

He couldn't bear it. He was such a bad brother. He made his sister cry. She was in this state because HE couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"It hurts Romeo. It hurts so much..." she sobbed.

"Shhh I know baby I know...I'm so sorry bubs but you gotta stop crying or you'll get sick..." he fretted while rubbing her back.

(A/n bubs or bubba or bubby are honestly the best words ever. They  make us feel all mushy gushy inside!)

"Please do something Rome..it hurts so much...What did we ever do to deserve this?" She broken-heartedly whispered.

"Sh let's not think about the wicked witch of the west. You want some pizza?" He asked, trying to cheer her up.  She shook her head.

He noticed she hadn't eaten anything since....LUNCH THE OTHER DAY. IT WAS THE ONLY THING SHE ATE LAST.

"Wait. Baby you...you haven't eaten anything since lunch the other day have you?" She shook her head.

He cursed.

"Why!" Marco had called her down to eat many times but she just sent him off either saying she wasn't hungry or she would just be asleep.

"I just....I wasn't hungry." She whispered.

He sighed.

"C'mon baby you gotta eat. You'll get sick!"

"I don't wanna. I want to sleep." She whispered yet again.

He just wanted her to go back to her cheery self!

"Okay fine." He went into her room and tried to put her down, but she tightened her arms around his neck, whimpering.

"No." She whimpered.

"Hey hey I'm not going anywhere. Look I'll just sleep here with you. Okay?" She nodded, still clinging onto him like a koala.

He laid down on the bed and held her tight against his body, rubbing her back and head soothingly. Eventually, she fell asleep, safe in her older brother's embrace.

"I'm so sorry baby. I swear to you, I will never let anyone hurt you. I will always protect you. I will always be by your side no matter what. I love you so much my little sunshine." He kissed her head and drifted off to sleep himself, with his little sister safe in his arms.

Meanwhile in The Rossi mansion,

Ace was pacing the hell out of his room. He had this feeling in his chest and gut. He somehow knew his twin was sad, angry and crying. He just didn't know why.

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